The results show that this thermoeconomic cost diagnosis analysis model is closely consistent to routine analysis method, and its reliability is high.
The content of nitrogen and chlorine in fertilizer is usually measured, but routine analysis method needs weighing twice, consuming long time and strict condition.
The methods of analysis of the chromosome aberrations mainly include routine staining method, G-banding method and FISH technique.
Conclusions: the method is easy-to-handle with good accuracy and reproducibility, and is suitable for the routine analysis and quality control of propolis liniments.
Methods and Results: Total alkaloids of Huperziaceae were extracted by routine method and used directly for the HPLC analysis.
The analysis methods for primary slag compositions. influencing on ingot quality, have been researched, a systemic analysis method has been established for routine test.
As compared with the weather map analysis and prognostic method, it is more direct and simple, hence easy to use in basic weather stations for routine operation.
The precision and accuracy of this method is satisfied, which is suitable to routine analysis of soild samples.
The routine separation and analytical method such as high performance liquid chromatography is limited in the analysis of glycoprotein.
An effective method was used to correct spectral interferences in routine ICPAES for multielement analysis.
The method is simple, efficient and accurate, and suitable for routine analysis of saccharine sodium, dimethyl fumarate, benzoic acid, and sorbic acid in baked food such as biscuits and moon cakes.
The samples were prepared by direct fusion, comparing with tradition, the method is rapid, convenient and suitable to routine analysis.
The result obtained from the detection was consistent with that from PCR analyses, indicating that the DNA chip method is reliable and effective for routine analysis of GMOs.
Soil variability was studied with routine statistics method and spatial analysis method.
The method provides the advantages of low detection limits, good precision, high efficiency and is suitable for routine analysis of PAEs in soil samples.
The method provides the advantages of high accuracy, high precision, high efficiency and has been applied to the routine analysis of tungsten concentrates.
The method provides the advantages of low detection limits, good precision, high efficiency and is suitable for routine analysis of VOCs in groundwater samples.
The method possesses low background and high sensitivity. It can be applied to the routine analysis of the 43 pesticides in vegetables.
The method is suitable for the routine analysis of spin finish in cellulose acetate tow with the advantage of non-pollution and non-damage.
This method was proved to be accurate, simple and convenient to be used in routine analysis.
The improved method is suitable for routine analysis of trace tungsten in geological samples.
The method provides the advantages of low detection limit, good reproducibility, high sensitivity, high efficiency, simple operation and suitable for the routine sample analysis.
This method proved to be accurate, simple and convenient and could be used in routine analysis.
This method proved to be accurate, simple and convenient and could be used in routine analysis.