Catamaran pays a royalty fee to AARP for use of the AARP intellectual property.
The first is the initial franchise fee and the second is the ongoing franchisee fee which is also often referred to as a royalty fee.
Do you risk flying naked without free navigation or do you suck it up and swallow the above average royalty fee for each and every handset?
Most franchisors require franchises to pay an ongoing royalty fee. Specific fees are listed in this column, typically expressed as a percentage of monthly gross sales.
If it gets approval, Chi-Med would license it to a western pharmaceutical company, paving the way for a sizable up-front fee and future royalty payments.
The ongoing franchise fee or royalty is usually expressed as either a percentage of the gross volume of the business or else as a fixed periodic payment amount.
In return, the licensee agrees to pay the licensor a flat fee or a royalty.
The theoretical literature on patent licensing has mainly considered three methods of licensing: by means of royalty, upfront fee and auction.
Notwithstanding clause 7.3, if the royalty due on any project is less than US2000, then a shall in lieu of the royalty calculated by reference to the royalty rate, pay a minimum fee of US2000 to b.
Concerning the licensor, the R&D subsidy rate by its government is higher in fixed-fee licensing than that in output-royalty licensing.
Must not require royalty payments or any other fee for redistribution or modification.
Must not require royalty payments or any other fee for redistribution or modification.