Let's add an RS node to our cluster.
Figure 4 shows a list of rs: parameters.
图4显示了rs: parameters的列表。
Adding an RS secondary to a cluster.
Security enhancement for JAX-RS 1.1.
针对JAX-RS 1.1 的安全增强。
Creating a JAX-RS web service resource.
创建JAX - RSweb服务资源。
The resource ids-rs represents the ldap.
资源ids - rs代表ldap。
External backup taken on RS secondary server.
All JAX-RS services require this annotation.
所有JAX - RS服务都需要这个注释。
Unblock RS secondary server using onmode utility
Can be restored to create a RS secondary server.
Restoring external backup taken on RS secondary server.
Sale of goods which have been used by the selle rs.
The AndroidJAX-RS application is deployed on the server.
AndroidJAX - RS应用程序被部署在服务器上。
Set DELAY_APPLY configuration parameter at RS secondary server.
How is restoring external backup done on the RS secondary server?
Now, how are these classes configured within a JAX-RS runtime?
那么,该如何在JAX - RS运行时内配置这些类呢?
JAX-RS helps to make the server implementation straightforward.
JAX - RS有助于服务器实现变得简单易懂。
Detailed steps for performing external backup on RS secondary node.
Leverage JAX-RS API concepts and artifacts for the client side.
利用客户端的JAX - RSAPI概念和工件。
JAX-RS also provides a framework for building new functionality.
JAX - RS还提供了一个框架来构建新功能。
A small charge is made for e-tickets, currently RS 25, about 35p.
That means data is in sync at both the primary and RS secondary server.
Below steps clearly describe performing external backup on RS secondary.
The resource was_server1-rs represents the server1 application server.
资源 was_server1-rs代表server1应用服务器。
The resource was_webserver-rs represents WebSphere Application server.
资源was_webserver - rs代表WebSphereApplicationserver。
RS: Locks only those rows that an application retrieves within a unit of work.
This article only touched upon some of the capabilities offered by JAX-RS.
本文只涉及了 JAX-RS 所能提供功能的一部分。
Serializes and de-serializes resources using configurable JAX-RS providers.
使用可配置的JAX - RS提供者序列化和反序列化资源。
We also explained how an external backup can be taken on an RS secondary server.
It is a fully certified and portable implementation of JAX-RS specification.
它是完全通过JAX - RS规范认证的一个可移植实现。