Programming languages have a quick turnover, so the "Ruby on Rails" language they learned may not even be relevant by the time they enter the job market.
编程语言的更新速度很快,因此等到他们进入劳动力市场时,他们所学的“Ruby on Rails”编程语言甚至可能完全用不上。
By contrast, the Ruby on Rails framework is new.
相比之下,Ruby on Rails框架则是新的。
Your application submits this XML document to a Ruby on Rails controller.
应用程序将XML文档提交给Ruby on Rails控制器。
So far, I've discussed page and fragment caching models for Ruby on Rails.
至此为止,我已经介绍了Ruby on Rails的页面和分段缓存模型。
Ruby on Rails: Rails is a popular web development platform that USES many DSLs.
Ruby on Rails: Rails是流行的web开发平台,其使用了许多DSL。
Grails: Grails is the web framework written atop Groovy, inspired by Ruby on rails.
Grails: Grails是编写在Groovy之上的web框架,受Ruby on rails激发。
RB: I think everyone wants to know if Ruby on Rails support is a goal for IronRuby.
RB:我想每个人都想知道Ruby on Rails支持是否是IronRuby的一个目标。
For example, we never had a plan to provide any kind of Ruby on Rails support, etc.
例如我们从来没有计划过对Ruby on Rails提供任何支持。
Ruby on Rails is effective for Web-based user interfaces on a big relational database.
对于大型关系数据库上的基于Web的用户界面,Ruby on Rails是有效的。
The Web server directs the request to Ruby on Rails based on the domain configuration.
Web服务器根据域的配置把请求转给Ruby on Rails。
This is a common feature in application frameworks, first popularized by Ruby on Rails.
这是应用程序框架中的一个常见特性,最初是由Ruby on Rails实现的。
Ruby on Rails extends the core Ruby language, but Ruby itself makes that extensibility possible.
Ruby on Rails扩展了核心ruby语言,但正是Ruby本身使得这种扩展成为了可能。
Ruby on Rails (ROR) is a Ruby-based open-source framework for rapid Web application development.
Ruby on Rails (ROR)是一个基于Ruby的用于快速Web应用开发的开源框架。
Ruby on Rails gets tremendous leverage by creating some simple test cases by default. You can too.
Ruby on Rails通过在默认情况下创建一些简单的测试用例来取得了巨大优势,您也可以这么做。
Ruby on Rails developers know how critical it is to have an efficient controller and database access.
Rubon Rails开发者明白有一个高效的控制器和数据库存取是多么的重要。
Ruby on Rails allows applications to be rapidly developed and incrementally extended with new features.
Ruby on Rails通过新特性将应用迅速开发和扩展;
Some frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails, can generate test cases and provide testing features by default.
有些框架,例如Ruby on Rails,能够生成测试用例,而且在默认情况下提供测试特性。
Ruby on Rails is a framework for creating Web applications backed by databases that shows this elegance.
Ruby on Rails是一个用于创建带后端数据库的Web应用程序的框架,它展示了这种优雅性。
In the example above, the page was served from a Ruby on Rails application using the Mongrel Web server.
上例中的页面由MongrelWeb服务器上的Ruby on Rails应用程序提供。
Ruby on Rails is a Web application framework that aims to provide an easy path to application development.
Ruby on Rails是一个Web应用程序框架,它的目标是为应用程序开发提供一条易行道。
Initially we looked at Flex as an alternative way of creating web-based user interfaces for Ruby On Rails.
最初我们把Flex看作是为Ruby On Rails创建基于Web用户界面的一种备选方式。
Luckily, a number of weekly Ruby and Ruby on Rails podcasts organize and present trends and best practices.
幸运的是,目前有一些Ruby和Ruby on Rails的每周播客,这些播客会组织并呈现最新趋势以及分享最佳实践。
Allow me to introduce you to Grails by way of another open source Web development framework: Ruby on rails.
请允许我借助另一种开源web开发框架——Ruby on rails——来介绍Grails。
The tools are built in Ruby and function very similarly to some of the popular Ruby on Rails framework tools.
这些工具是使用Ruby构建的,功能非常类似于一些著名的Ruby on Rails框架工具。
Acts_as_conference is a two-day Ruby on Rails conference being held in Orlando, Florida February 8th and 9th.
acts_as_conference是一个为期两天的Ruby on Rails会议,将于2月8日至9日在佛罗里达州奥兰多市举行。
Other challenges are more closely related to the development habits and attitudes of Ruby on Rails developers.
其他的挑战则更多地与Ruby on Rails开发人员的开发习惯和态度相关。
Ruby on Rails was my model of how easy a framework could be and how frameworks should make development easier.
框架能有多简单、应该给开发带来多大方便,Ruby on Rails就是我心中的典范。
They noted that CodeGear has seen a rise in interest in Ruby on Rails from commercial and enterprise developers.
他们提到,CodeGear发现这段时间以来,商业软件开发人员和企业级软件开发人员对Ruby on Rails的兴趣有明显提升。
Like all frameworks, Ruby on Rails can suffer from some performance issues without the proper care and attention.
与所有的框架一样,如果不多加小心和注意,Ruby on Rails也会遭遇性能问题。
Like all frameworks, Ruby on Rails can suffer from some performance issues without the proper care and attention.
与所有的框架一样,如果不多加小心和注意,Ruby on Rails也会遭遇性能问题。