China will now be a full partner in the global trading system, and will have the right and responsibility to fashion and enforce the rules of open trade.
This raises the need for a global system of checks and balances, for mandatory rules and constraints in our dealings with nature.
Once a pattern, based on a defined set of rules, is recognized, an "action" is taken, where the action is an invocation of some processing on another system.
Use the commands and methods described above to extract the content of the whole project or the single data rules as XML documents in your file system.
The complexity of systems today is typically the result of complex business rules that the system must conform to.
Rules are stored outside of application logic, making it easy for a business person to add or modify the rules while not taking the system offline.
The creation of extra rules in the system helps to correct wrongly classified cases.
After you have successfully developed and tested a collection of data rules on your development system, you are ready to move them to your production environment.
Most business rules implementations are either a replacement of existing legacy applications or a subcomponent of a larger system architecture.
System administrators, who apply the rules of password policy, should ensure that passwords used are not easily determined by outsiders.
Once these rules are in place, your system will simply discard any packets that fall into one of these categories.
The rules architect must consider the performance of the rules engine and not let it become the limiting factor of your overall system performance.
If a data source is not found on the target system at the time of the import, the rules that should be bound to this data source are unbound.
The creation of extra rules in the system is to cater for the wrongly classified cases.
An expert system is a set of standard rules that, when combined with situational data, returns an "expert" opinion.
This means sitting on top of the creation of user passwords and the formulation of rules and procedures for such fundamental functionality as general access to the system assets.
By following the Open Closed Principle with the order processing rules, I've made it much easier to add new types of order handling logic to the system.
Rules can be stored in a relational database or as XML files, depending on the design of the system.
A good rules architect is someone who truly understands the business rules landscape well-not just the business rules and the interfaces to legacy applications-but the real soul of the system.
The complexity introduced by such a mixed system makes the integration of a business rules system that much more challenging.
An ICM RME KB is represented as a tree of nodes, with each node containing statistical knowledge or rules that assist the system in classifying text.
Long stretches in his prisons' law libraries left him more familiar with the Byzantine rules of America's federal prison system than most wardens.
Even after these teething problems are resolved, there may be a limit to the efficiency of such a rules-based system.
The system should lay down the rules of the road, such as who has to give way.
The rules/inference engine is the part of the system that evaluates the rules based on the system state or user input.
After you identify the behaviors that you want to reinforce, develop the specifics of your reward system, and create rules that are clear and easily understood by all employees.
If the migration is done progressively over time, the same kind of data rules may be needed again and again as each new source system is migrated.
Next, the resulting composite application calls the Finance Management System that maintains a database of Tax Service process rules.
If you haven't implemented that set of rules first using AIXPert, the tool can't check the security of your system.
If you haven't implemented that set of rules first using AIXPert, the tool can't check the security of your system.