This service run-time binding could be instantiated using any of the following mechanisms
You can use mix-ins (more below, under Run-time binding) to add core capabilities to existing classes.
您可以使用mix - in(后面运行时绑定会讲到)来添加核心功能到已有的类中。
Clients that want to exploit the availability of multiple bindings would then have to possess the ability of switching the actual binding to be used based on run-time information.
In this case services definitions are available during consumer development time, and registry usage is limited to the run time resolution of the services endpoint addresses and dynamic binding.
Such decoupling avoids a permanent binding between an abstraction and its implementation, which allows the implementation to be selected at run-time.
I'll first look at invoking a method with delayed binding, and then I'll show techniques you can use to change the definition of a class at run time.
JiBX even supports multiple bindings to the same classes, with the actual binding to be used for a particular XML document selected at run time.
Similarly, when a component is wired to an import with a Web service binding, the run time automatically handles the invocation of the Web service.
A set of supporting classes to handle binding of variables, management of the run-time context, and matching of nodes against template rules.
With Dynamic Assembler, the binding between requester and the actual service provider can be deferred until run time and be dependent upon specific parameters.
The Spring framework lets you delay binding until run time and gives you many of the capabilities of dynamically typed languages.
The process connects to its partners using the binding created during run-time.
The JAX-WS run time is responsible for providing the SOAP envelope if the service is using a SOAP binding.
如果服务使用SOAP绑定,JAX -WS运行时负责提供SOAP信封。
Static binding generation at run-time (through the WSDL service binding information).
The binding mechanism used with delegates is dynamic: a delegate can be bound at run time to any method whose signature matches that of the event handler.
For performing late binding, accessing methods on types created at run time.
Dynamic binding lets the compiler determine at run time whether to use a function defined in the base or derived class.
When binding by strong name at run time, the common language runtime compares the key stored in Assembly B's manifest with the key used to generate the strong name for Assembly A.
当在运行时通过强名称进行绑定时,公共语言运行时会将存储在程序集B的清单中的密钥与用于为程序集 A生成强名称的密钥进行比较。
Moreover, dynamic binding lets you substitute objects that have identical interfaces foreach other at run-time.
Automatically selecting the appropriate method at run time is called dynamic binding.
Evaluates data-binding expressions at run time and formats the result as a string.
Early binding reduces the number and severity of run-time errors because it allows the compiler to report errors when a program is compiled.
Provides support for parsing and evaluating a data-binding expression against an object at run time.
Provides support for parsing and evaluating a data-binding expression against an object at run time.