In a duel, as in a game of chance, both parties willingly agree to run a risk.
If you keep working in such a temperature, you will run a risk of getting heat stroke.
At last, the leader drew the conclusion that he preferred to run a risk of developing new products rather than go on producing the products that can't meet the demands of the new market.
As for those children, they themselves run a far higher risk of ending up in prison than the children of unincarcerated parents.
For those tests that you can't run, or don't have time to run, do you have a view of the risk that you are carrying?
The risk you run with recommendation engines is that they'll keep you in a rut.
Bugs reported to a mailing list run the risk of being lost as more and more E-mail pours onto the list.
Now, as then, requiring Banks to dump their shareholdings altogether-however laudable-would run the risk of turning a bear market into a rout.
When you do introduce a river or even groundwater... you run the risk of deteriorating the water that's been treated.
You don't run the risk of being left behind by taking a conservative stance at this point.
And it means you run a much bigger risk that you will lose money over long periods.
As in my ice cream cone example above, I run the risk of getting a bellyache, or worse, having to throw up from eating too much sugar, fat, cream & dairy. (True story.)
As a species, Ms Turkle thinks, we run the risk of letting the permanent wireless social clouds that surround us steal part of our nature.
If your answer is that it is common, you run a greater risk of stale data exceptions, making this strategy a poor choice for your application profile.
No matter how you make your reservation, you always run a tiny risk of arriving at your hotel and finding it overbooked — just like an airline may not have that seat it promised.
Otherwise, you run the risk of a user submitting a form multiple times or becoming impatient with your site and leaving.
The challenge here is that you now run the risk of accumulating a nearly infinite number of these private states on the server, so you'll need a way to push those that aren't being used out to disk.
If so, the decision is made for you: By keeping mum about your part-time gig, you run the risk of becoming a full-time consultant sooner than you planned.
Yet the worry remains that if all creditors face the risk of loss in a crisis, they will start a run, creating a self-fulfilling prophesy.
That means they must prudently assess a customer's risk from the outset-or face huge losses when borrowers run into trouble.
People who drink their tea piping hot run a higher risk of throat cancer than counterparts who prefer a cooler cuppa, according to an investigation published by the British Medical Journal.
So from leadership choice for the risk of inconsistency, this is a safety example, leading to poor long run performance.
Does it not run the risk of slipping into a variety of ethical humanism?
That is, it would be more efficient to allow readers to run while other readers held the lock, but you'd risk a constant stream of reader threads keeping the writer from ever doing its job.
Investors are wary of lending to Banks for even a few months, because of the risk that they may go bust or run out of cash.
Ms Elder said countries including the UK run the risk of generating a "lost generation" of people who are shut out from the Labour market.
We are in a unique position in Vietnam, because local competition does not have the skills to run a large-scale operation managing a lot of credit risk.
We are in a unique position in Vietnam, because local competition does not have the skills to run a large-scale operation managing a lot of credit risk.