Typically, the individual tests and configuration points that are described below should only be run at the peak load level for an individual test for a maximum of 10 to 30 minutes.
A sequence is a variable length vector that has two characteristics: a maximum size, which is determined at compile time and which could be unlimited; and a length, which is determined at run time.
According to the company, its most advanced offshore drilling platform can be run at a depth of 3,000 meters and the maximum drilling depth is 10,000 meters.
According to the company, its most advanced offshore drilling platform can be run at a depth of 3, 000 meters and the maximum drilling depth is 10, 000 meters.
The maximum amount of memory your system will use is the sum of all of the memory requirements of every program that you will ever run at once.
When it does so, it will run at even higher energies, although there are no plans to operate it at maximum energy until the second half of 2010.
Check here. you're in safe mode now, so run a full scan of your PC at maximum security levels include the option to scan within compressed files, for example.
Elite world-class marathoners often have such a highly developed fat-burning engine that they can run marathons at 85 percent or higher of their maximum.
The books said that most people run marathons at 75 to 80 percent of maximum heart rate, so he decided to do a test.
书上说大多数人跑马拉松时心跳达到最高心跳的75 ~ 80%,因此他决定做个验证。
Setting this option to Auto configures the system to run memory at the maximum speed supported by the system configuration.
This feature configures the system to run memory at a lower maximum speed than what is supported by the installed processor and DIMM configuration.
这个设置,能够使得系统内存运行在一个比较低的最高频率下。 这里的比较低的最高频率下是指比安装的处理器和内存配置的最高的频率低些的频率。
The value of a scroll bar cannot reach its maximum value through user interaction at run time.
By minimizing rework, slow run-ning equipment and downtime, maximum value is added at the minimum cost.
We have been on a great run of late, winning at places like Stoke and Wigan, as well as gaining maximum points here like we did last time out against Blackburn Rovers.
Kipsang number refers to the maximum distance a person could run at the average pace used by Wilson Kipsang while setting the marathon world record.
Only one game back after injury is a concern - he needs a run of games to be at his maximum.
Only one game back after injury is a concern - he needs a run of games to be at his maximum.