Simplify the menu. While the "Create Your Taste" menu sounds awesome in theory, it seems to run counter one of McDonald's plans: simplifying the overstuffed menu.
Finally one day, they decided to run counter to the provisions of secretly see God once.
Wolpe called this counter-conditioning, literally using one association (between the box and feeding) to run counter to another association (between the box and shocks).
The question is put forward for one reason that the fact of the abuse of Antidumping Law has run counter to its purpose, and effected the free trade and fair competition much negatively.
While the "Create Your Taste" menu sounds awesome in theory, it seems to run counter one of McDonald's plans: simplifying the overstuffed menu.
“ 自选口味”服务的菜单在理论上听起来很棒,但似乎与麦当劳的一个计划背道而驰,即简化“拥挤”的菜单。
While the "Create Your Taste" menu sounds awesome in theory, it seems to run counter one of McDonald's plans: simplifying the overstuffed menu.
“ 自选口味”服务的菜单在理论上听起来很棒,但似乎与麦当劳的一个计划背道而驰,即简化“拥挤”的菜单。