When opinions differ, emotions can run high.
Emotions run high for those who have been affected by outsourcing.
Promote the urban road traffic to run high-efficiently with effective, dynamic management.
It won't be the item that concerns you, but the way you are being treated. Emotions may run high.
For investors in Chinese equities, stagflation isn't good, especially when expectorations run high.
In confrontations especially, emotions can run high. Remember to be respectful and keep a cool head.
You don't really need to consider CPU unless you are going to use it to run high-loading computation.
We invite you to download and run high-resolution model simulations of the world's climate on your own computer.
Since mid-October, your expenses have run high and will not slow down until Mars leaves your eighth house on June 7.
Hopes have run high for the impact on preventive, diagnostic, and therapeutic capabilities of genomics and proteomics.
The PC is fast replacing the TV set as an entertainment hub, and emotions run high over who gets to log on and for how long.
Of course this is a double-edged sword: if you end up raising hundreds of thousands of dollars, then the fees will also run high.
He might even quit, it is whispered, on the anniversary of the bombing on Hiroshima on August 6th, when anti-nuclear feelings run high.
While many workplaces are as devoid of emotions as management can control, even among the most robotic of people, emotions can run high.
Reckoning that Kraft’s shares are undervalued he counselled the firm’s bosses not to let their “animal spirits run high” and overpay for Cadbury.
Since it is a newly emerging thing that the institutions of higher learning run high-level sports teams, it leaves much to be known and explored.
It is also customary to buy new clothes for Christmas and tensions have been known to run high if a husband does not buy his wife a dress for the occasion.
While an actual alliance with OPEC seems far-fetched, concerns already run high in the U. S. and Europe that Moscow is trying to increase its chokehold over Europe's energy needs.
As for the rest, studies show a wide spectrum running from family firms, many of them poorly managed, to well-run high-performers, some of them kept to the mark by private-equity funds.
Companies are using Amazon's web Services to host or backup their websites, for content delivery, to run high performance computing simulations, to host media collections, and much more.
公司使用Amazon ' sWebServices作为其网站的服务器或者备份,用于内容传送,用于进行高性能计算模拟,用于存储多媒体收藏,当然还有其他更多的用途。
Questionnaires by the Home Office show that people have in fact become quite a lot happier with the crime situation in their local area, but that worries about the national crime rate still run high.
They don't like dense forests either, so they traverse these high, open shoulders between the river and the woods, where they can see and run.
When the driver accelerated, the vacuum was insufficient to run the intermittent mode and the wipers would default to high speed.
Pronghorn, dependent on distance vision and speed to keep safe from predators, traverse high, open shoulders of land, where they can see and run.
The nutrients are deep down in the active layer anyway, not high up near the surface, which is the part of the active layer most affected by run-off.
Near the surface earthquakes may run as high as 100 in a month, but the yearly average does not vary much.
If you run a website that sees high traffic volume, then you should care about scalable computing infrastructure.
If you run a website that sees high traffic volume, then you should care about scalable computing infrastructure.