They are afraid that the world will soon runout of oil and run short of food.
They are frightened that the world will soon run out of oil and run short of food.
If they can't manage to walk out of the forest, they will run short of food rations.
It will take time for businesses to be confident that Banks will be there should they run short of cash.
It is easy to imagine a similar kind of hard bail-out, should a euro-zone country ever run short of cash.
As we are receiving large orders from our clients, it is quite probable that we may run short of supply.
One necessary task is to assure emerging-market countries that they will not be caught out if they run short of liquidity.
At that burn rate, GM could effectively run short of cash next summer, without even taking into account further sales declines.
Until now our products have covered more than 100 kinds of the fur , and it quite probalble that we always run short of supply.
So many years after her death, this humble creature she could help to restore a little sanity in a world that seems to have run short of it.
If the car owners happen to run short of this backup coolant, they will need to add more coolant until it reaches the maximum limit indicator.
All this in a new country where there is no mum to do your washing, nor a kindly and sympathetic relative to help you out when you run short of money.
DigiTimes' sources also report that iPad 2 shipments are expected to reach 4 million units per month this quarter, provide Apple doesn't run short of parts.
It seems that people are always in a hurry now, though we do have more convenience. Still, we run short of time to stand and stare, to speak and share.
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown says the International Monetary Fund may run short of money as it tries to bolster economies around the world battered by the financial meltdown.
As we warned, the saving rate is not a good guide in the short run because of its tendency to be revised sharply.
But in the short run, credit was an easy way to prop up the living standards of those at the bottom of the economic pile.
Run the command ss (short status) at this prompt to see the status of the bundles.
There are times when you can run out of configured swap space partitions and, for a short period, require more VM until you can organize a more permanent solution.
One thing, at least, seems clear: although 3D printing will create winners and losers in the short term, in the long run ,it will expand the realm of industry—and imagination.
In short, this interface provides dynamic run-time information about the details of the caller, the message, and the current environment.
The data suggest to us that the TV habit may offer short-run pleasure at the expense of long-term malaise.
In the short run, they may also cause kidney problems, loss of calcium in the bones, and an unhealthy metabolic state called ketosis in many people.
Even if melting glaciers provide an abundance of water in the short run, they portend a frightening endgame: the eventual depletion of Asia's greatest rivers.
Even if melting glaciers provide an abundance of water in the short run, they portend a frightening endgame: the eventual depletion of Asia's greatest rivers.