This means that if you have a great idea, you always have time to run with it.
That all needs to be filled in before other writers can come in and run with it.
Champions take failure as a learning opportunity, so take in all you can, and run with it.
William: So, your English-speaking taxi idea has legs, Wang Fei. So let's run with it for a minute.
Jobs: When you hire really good people you have to give them a piece of the business and let them run with it.
When it is run with its JDBC configuration, a third party DataSource is used, and a 'destroy-method' is declared explicitly.
Let's meet with the team next week. And if we come up with an idea that's got legs we should be prepared to run with it.
I came up with the (what I thought) was a fantastic notion of building a Lego ship in a bottle and decided to run with it.
Most beginner plug-in articles you find around the Web will stop there, letting you take the basic plug-in format and run with it.
But, he said, if his land was in a more remote part of the Amazon, with less farming potential, "I'd take that offer and run with it."
Players may catch the ball or run with it in their hands. The Super Bowl of football is one of the most important sporting events in America.
For that to happen, though, Egypt will have to take this freedom it just earned and run with it - to show that it really can improve the lives of an entire nation.
It was extremely hard for myself to find a business to start and run with it. But once I had that 'aha moment' or what I knew I wanted to go with, it was really easy and extremely fun.
Initially, rather than appointing a general contractor to run the project, the corporation decided to manage it themselves, despite lack of experience with an undertaking of that scale.
The first time you run VLC, it presents a dialog with privacy Settings.
You can easily alter it to not use generics if you like, then it will run with older JDKs.
The invoke action cannot run with the other actions; it occupies the whole action section by itself.
It would run every hour, to correspond with my one hour sample rate on the HMCs.
Whenever possible, I try to run with my cell phone, and it has my ICE (In Case of Emergency) Numbers saved.
Otherwise, it will run without a transaction context, with the assumption that it is the only method being invoked within the logical unit of work (LUW).
Otherwise it will run without a transaction context, with the assumption that it is the only method being invoked within the logical unit of work (LUW).
More generally, Singapore's success as a planning state has a lot to do with the sort of people who run it.
It's not a good idea to hop on the treadmill, set a pace, and stick with it for the entire run.
DLPAR operation might have altered partition resources (including memory, processor, and adapters) at run time after it is booted with a partition profile.
At the height of the AIDS crisis, Rooney had his biggest run-in with a group and it had dire consequences.
If a black dog run towards thee, strike it with a rod of willow, and it will go away.
In this case, simply run showsyserr with that errno value and it will show you the corresponding error message.
Edit the test so that it will run with multiple datasets and validate the returned data from the Web service.
Do not run halinkmqm on the node on which you created the queue manager with hacrtmqm — it has already been run there.
Do not run halinkmqm on the node on which you created the queue manager with hacrtmqm — it has already been run there.