"Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: Parts I and II" is a play currently running in London's West End.
If you're really unsure about whether you should be running, play it safe and give yourself a couple days of rest - you won't lose much fitness at all.
You can play games like freeze tag or ride a bike or do running races with your friends or family.
Give children opportunities to experience various types of movement like slow motion or freeze games, dancing, hopping, running; "I'm going to play several kinds of music."
Running is play, for even if we try hard to do well at it, it is a relief from everyday CARES.
Picking a short phase that you play over and over in your head while running can help you stay focused and centered.
One of the fun benefits of running there is that we can play "spot the celebrity" to help pass the time.
Then, you select the voice to be used for the narrator or announcer, and note the beginning time so that you can get a measure of how long the play is when it has finished running.
Also because I think I didn't play my best tennis today, but, you know, I was running all the time, you know, and fighting until the end of the match.
Find a mantra. Picking a short phase, such as "One step at a time," that you play over and over in your head while running can help you stay focused and centered.
For instance, we are running the Doggcatcher podcast player widget on the WidgetLocker lock screen, and we can initiate play/pause commands right from the lock screen.
例如,我们在 WindgetLocker锁定屏幕中运行了Doggcatcher 广播播放器工具,于是我们可以直接在锁定屏幕中执行播放/暂停命令。
That can be done by clustering PS3s running Linux. And the PS3s can still play Prince of Persia.
用运行Linux的PS3集群就能做到,而且那些PS3还 照样能玩《波斯王子》。
Easy fartlek.Fartlek, or speed play, is variable-pace running that emphasizes creativity.During a 30-minute run, choose objects to run to telephone poles, trees, buildings, other runners, whatever.
We understand that Apple's trying to keep the smartphone running smoothly, but if the iPod app can play music in the background, the iPhone's audio apps should be able to do the same.
When the status is "running," indicated by a green "play" icon, your application is ready to receive requests.
The mobile app allows you to access your documents and photos, and play your music from your cloud drive without having to worry about running out of disk space on your iPhone or iPod Touch.
To play this game, you should have IBM DB2 9 installed, the DB2Game database loaded, and the clue file running.
要进行这个游戏,需要安装IBMDB 29,载入DB2Game数据库,并运行线索文件。
You're going to hear the violins play a running scale, If our beat is this, what note values are in the music of the violinists at this particular moment?
Although cold weather and the holidays can really play havoc on your running regimen, it is one of the best seasons to be a runner.
Like how you get way more into your Super Mario game when the 'time running out' music starts to play.
Many more factors come into play, such as disk and network speed, other things running on the computer, and the fact that the daemon is running in debugging mode.
The following workouts are all entertaining ways to play with speed-on your own or with your running buddies.
It’s also true that some notable safety advances have come into play: improved air bags, antilock brakes, and daytime running lights, for a start.
You don't need to hit the gym or go running... play basketball, hit the batting cages, go hiking, anything that gets you active.
Now the picture underlines the fact that he is unlikely to play any major role in the day-to-day running of the company.
It's the latest version of the longest-running play in the modern Middle East, which, if I were to give it a title, would be called: "Who owns this hotel?"
We play zonal marking, but he'll probably end up running into my area at some point.
Processes are coming to play an important role in on demand business transformation, for example in describing an executable long-running process for an extended value chain.
Though the professors don't outright accuse the ratings agencies of running a pay-for-play scheme, the implications are clear: Issuers with bigger pockets received more generous scores.
Sure, giving a player loads of money and running the risk of losing him mid-season due to the fact that his illness has returned might play a considerable role.