Tripped on a tricycle and is running in circles flapping like a bird?
In other words, if we don't have a clear purpose and focus in our life, we end up running in circles, trying to do everything and accomplishing nothing that lasts or matters.
Considered a symbol of Parreira's lack of creativity, 'the waxing machine' - a nickname referring to Zinho's habit of running in circles with the ball - was actually much better than that.
But there was nothing, only the children running in and out of their circles and games, and no sign of where the cry had come from.
Often there are no pavements (sorry "sidewalks"), and the crossings (" intersections ") have you running round in circles.
I started running around in circles up and left to write about, right to write about, and ultimately did not finish, they fell asleep.
There were so many people in the lobby that I kept running round in circles, trying to find my group.
The little ones then spent the next hour or so running around in circles representing their orbits, calling out their names as they passed one another.
Everyone have to taste it carefully, only then we wouldn't feel panic and running around in circles when a 'storm' come. Never say lives are unfair, lives are fair to us.
Everyone have to taste it carefully, only then we wouldn't feel panic and running around in circles when a 'storm' come. Never say lives are unfair, lives are fair to us.