When sewing machine work on standby, motor by clutch release load, to continue running light, caused a great deal of standby loss.
It seemed that a man named Wang Jie had run a red light, running into another person's car.
Less than 8% are in the transformational stage, in which serious agility is achieved due to the ability to quickly change existing running processes in light of changing market requirements.
When it is running at full throttle, the protons going round it will be travelling within 30cm a second of the speed of light.
Moreover, running different types of developer tests, such as component, functional and performance, can shine a light on problem areas earlier in the development life cycle.
而且,运行各种类型的开发人员测试,如组件测试、功能测试和性能测试,能够在开发生命周期中更早地 将问题显示出来。
Because the source of the energy stops, the electrical current stops -just as a light bulb turns off when you switch off the electricity running to it.
Because the source of the energy stops, the electrical current stops - just as a light bulb turns off when you switch off the electricity running to it.
Such research, he concluded, "sheds a new light on dinosaurs…which is handy because a lot of them were running around in the dark!
Stay visible by putting bright cloth on the antenna, turning on the inside overhead light (when engine is running), and raising the hood when snow stops falling.
There was a big red check carpet running throughout the hall and curtains with pelmets which took away a lot of the light.
See them in a different light then you have been when you were running. It will make a big difference on how you view it when you get back out running the trails again.
Rather it mists, it dribbles, it hangs overhead, bathing the harbor in a clear gray light, running off umbrellas in tiny little droplets.
With limited daylight, chances are you'll be running in the dark (Alaskans, sadly, get only a few hours of dim light per day).
Something as simple as ten minutes of light yoga works great as a transition from sleep to running.
Using this information, SignalGuru is able to calculate the traffic-light schedule for the region and suggest the speed at which a driver should travel in order to avoid running into red lights.
This is the first demonstration of doing the full shebang, running it under (light) photons in a reactor.
Thin wooden slats circle the unit to provide a smooth running surface to roll it and openings on the side and slated Windows let light into the interior.
It's best to avoid running in the dark but, if you have to run at night, wear reflective gear and light-colored clothing. Dress in bright colors if you're running in the snow.
Finally, as our time on the island was running out, the longed-for light swept across the valley and the chatter of my Nikon motor drive echoed off the hills.
This approach interacts with a running instance of the application, effectively attempting to perform light hacks (mostly harmless) to identify security holes.
We must strictly comply with rules of the road, without people to ride, not red light running, horse way to go before crosswalks, it is necessary to take the initiative to avoid motor vehicles.
For example, a driver seen running a red light should be treated the same way whether or not he hit the child who, unseen from the wheel, stepped into the road at the same moment.
Running, first floor to light, elastic, because if the feet heavily to the ground, the huge impact, knee joint in the long run will harm the legs.
Externalizing execution make Oozie engine more light weight, which allows it to support more concurrently running processes.
During that time I don't really do any training, but after that I start going back into the gym to lift weights and do some light running and shooting.
When the demo starts the Application Table is populated with appId 0 in the running state (green light), and idle — the requests slot indicator, the little icon beside the light, is empty.
In a moment, she was running down the side of the hill and was off through that sea of stubble, as light and quick as a young doe.
It's best to avoid running in the dark but, if you have to run at night, wear reflective gear and light-colored clothing.Dress in bright colors if you're running in the snow.
It's best to avoid running in the dark but, if you have to run at night, wear reflective gear and light-colored clothing.Dress in bright colors if you're running in the snow.