The National Hydrogen Bomb Association hopes to educate people in the safe handling of this type of weapon.
Handling conflict in a healthy and safe way without being rejected is what allows us to build the trust needed to communicate at higher, more vulnerable levels.
We've even briefly looked at signal handling, at least enough to know a safe way to use them.
Education of consumers and training of food handlers in safe food handling is one of the most critical interventions in the prevention of foodborne illnesses.
Selecting safe and environmentally-friendly management options, to protect people from hazards when collecting, handling, storing, transporting, treating or disposing of waste.
Educating children on safe food handling behaviors is key to preventing foodborne diseases today and in the future.
This new generation of aircraft tractors works without towbar, thus enabling a quick, safe and economical handling of aircraft on the ground.
The investigator or pharmacist is responsible for the safe and proper handling of the IMP at the site.
Safe Handling and Storage of Egg products.
Safety training, which must cover the hazards presented by dangerous goods, safe handling and emergency response procedures.
Ensure the kitchen is maintained and meeting the hygiene standard at all times and safe food handling practices are followed.
We hope that the goods should be packed in a manner which ensures their safe arrival at the destination and facilitates their handling in transit.
Features: Lightly and ingeniously structured, easy for application, strong magnetic Attraction power and safe in handling.
Equipment utilized for the handling of materials will be suitable for its intended purpose to ensure safe and adequate handling.
We hope that the goods should be packed in a manner which ensures their safe arrival at the destination and facilitates their handling in transit.
They must be adequately secured, and consideration must be given to safe handling or disposal of the resulting fluids.
As a new kind of multi-purpose material handling equipment, safe operation of telescopic handler depends on keeping fork level moving.
A current account (also called a cheque account) is a convenient and safe method of handling money.
This procedure establishes requirements for the safe storage and handling of flammable and combustible liquids.
The feasibility of the security model in the paper is verified by intercepting the Safe handling SOAP message.
As our customer, you need to share in the responsibility for safe handling, storage, and use of our products. Follow these seven general safety recommendations.
Therefore please complete the table underneath and add all relevant documents with information on safe use and handling of your products for the parts you supply to us.
The goods should be packed in a manner that ensures safe and sound arrival of goods at the destination and facilitates handling during transshipment.
Frequent damage causes of synchronous motor are analyzed, the technical measure to guarantee the synchronous motor safe handling are put forward.
If breakdown endangers security of drive a vehicle, answer to take step actively, undertake handling, if cannot be handled immediately, should have set defend, make sure drive a vehicle is safe.
If any modules were not compatible with safe exception handling feature, the resulting image will not contain a table of safe exception handlers.
The holders of goods are responsible for safe and secure handling of materials, items and products.
The holders of goods are responsible for safe and secure handling of materials, items and products.