When the water hits the right level, the baby birds are kept safe from predators by a corrosive ditch.
The water here contained 965 becquerels of radiation per kilogram - treble the "safe" legal level of 300 becquerels per kilogram.
This is a safety device, designed to keep the water at a safe level in the event of a LOCA.
In order to insure the safe of the building, the safe groundwater level height, referred as water level for prevention of up-floating in general, must be confirmed before the design stage.
The task comes from a real problem of water level controlled at Tang Gong Ta pump station, which is a water level controlling system for safe range between pool and electric moter.
It is indicated that it is important to choose the initial control water level in the air chamber for the safe operation of the system.
This system can effectively eliminate water during the various problems, so that the boiler water level in a given range, to ensure the safe operation of the boiler.
Therefore, the maintenance of the boiler water level in a given range is the protection necessary for safe operation of boilers, boiler properly one of the key indicators of.
An expansion tank is equipped at the top, water level can be controlled automatically, it works without pressure, so it's safe and reliable, tedious report and endorse procedures are simplified.
An expansion tank is equipped at the top, water level can be controlled automatically, it works without pressure, so it's safe and reliable, tedious report and endorse procedures are simplified.