Access to sanitation, the practice of good hygiene, and a safe water supply could save 1.5 million children a year.
Cholera is a waterborne infectious disease. Limitation of safe water supply and poor sanitation are the known risk factors.
Poverty reduced in the 300 communities, as a result of and, in turn, facilitating the safe water supply and sanitation improvement.
The aim is to prevent and control potentially life-threatening diseases and to ensure safe water supply and proper sanitation in temporary camps where thousands of displaced people are now living.
Drink only bottled, boiled, or treated water until your supply is tested and found safe.
It is transmitted exclusively when people who have little or no access to safe-drinking water supply swallow water contaminated with parasite-infected fleas.
Even if a piped water supply is safe at its source, it is not always safe by the time it reaches the tap.
Other funds would go toward renovating water supply infrastructure for main agriculture regions and ensuring safe drinking water for 60 million rural people, the newspaper added.
Your water heater or water pressure tank could supply 30 to 60 gallons of safe water in an emergency.
Availability will generally be the determining factor in organizing the supply of sufficient quantities of safe water.
The present problems are mainly embodied in the bad water quality, not enough water quantity, inconvenient pick-up, no supply of safe water, and so on.
While 90% of the capital city's residents have access to safe water, only about one-third have drinking water piped into their homes-and even among that group, many get only an irregular supply.
Conclusion The comprehensive measures of safe treatment of night-soil and water supply, replacement of bovine with machine can control the prevalence of schistosomiasis and parasitosis effectively.
In order to ensure the adequate and safe supply of quality water, it is imperative to study the adverse effect of ageing of pipes on water supply capacity.
Both public water supply officials and consumers need to protect the public supply of safe drinking water.
Technical water supply is the important component of Hydropower station, which is related to the safe, steady and effective run of the hydroelectric generating units of Hydropower station.
The predictable model of the safe yields is set up finally about Dawu water supply base under various pumping conditions according to the results obtained from the calculations above.
Reduced access to a safe, stable water supply in Asia "will have a profound impact on security throughout the region, " according to a new Asia Society report.
Reduced access to a safe, stable water supply in Asia "will have a profound impact on security throughout the region, " according to a new Asia Society report.