Likewise, clear communication of the basis for safety assessment in this area is generally lacking at national and international levels.
Since adjuvants have their own pharmacological properties, which might affect both the immunogenicity and the safety of vaccines, safety assessment is essential.
Last night, critics said the plans should be put on hold until a major safety assessment had been conducted.
He made a surprise policy shift last week, announcing that all nuclear plants would undergo a full safety assessment.
The main conclusions are of theoretical significance and practical values to carry out formal safety assessment (FSA) and improve safety of ship and Marine structures for the maritime circles.
This subject applies AET to safety assessment of crane beam first, so extend the application area of AET.
The GEF Rapid Assessment Project was prepared and implemented as a part of a MEP Program on Post Wenchuan Earthquake Environmental Safety Assessment and Countermeasures initiated on June 3, 2008.
Purchased key Labor Protection Articles, such as safety Helmet, Anti-gas Aspirators must have label of safety assessment.
At present, the superfine mineral dust and nanometer suspending dust are the important components of dust environment safety assessment.
The accuracy of concrete strength evaluation has a great influence on the safety assessment of structures.
The findings also raise serious questions about the reliability of the European safety assessment and advisory procedures.
Quantitative safety assessment on probability of fire and explosion in LPG storage and filling station is done by method of code evaluation combined with risk grade evaluation.
Taking use of safety assessment theory into Marine engineering room is an initiating content in maritime fields.
The study results have important reference value for carrying on seismic safety assessment and earthquake predication.
To better provide guidance for the supplementation of vitamins and minerals we compared the basis and methods for safety assessment of vitamins and minerals.
The main achievements, concepts to be cleared and main subjects presently and the others on probabilistic safety assessment in nuclear power plant are introduced and analyzed in this paper.
Corrosion inspection is an effect way of obtaining pipeline information, and it is also a base of pipeline safety assessment.
The safety status classification method has been established by the safety technology criteria and safety assessment method has been given based on Mond evaluation method also.
The results obtained in this paper provide research basis for safety assessment and health monitoring of RSB .
The security is now the world universal attention important issue, the safety assessment is the solution security problem important method.
Based on the system safety engineering theory and the characteristic of mine gas explosion, the safety assessment of mine gas explosion was studied.
The photolysis and hydrolysis of triacontanol (TA) were studied in laboratory in accordance with the criterion for chemical pesticide environmental safety assessment.
Objective: To explore the guinea pigs skin irritation of Yidihong disinfectant was performed for safety assessment.
In addition, it is useful for studying the safety assessment of other kinds of blasting project.
The computation of the dam body stability is an important content in a tailing pond safety assessment.
Safety assessment is implemented in a petroleum tank farm using safety check list and risk matrix method.
On the basis of the house potential safety hazard investigation data, fuzzy mathematical techniques are adopted to develop a software system for safety assessment on existing houses.
The status and challenges of current safety assessment methodologies for Bd foods were also smmarized.
We put forth the corresponding safety assessment and safety control strategy for status and questions of the high schools web.
Risk analysis method applied in safety assessment on tailing pond is discussed and a frame to describe comprehensive assessment results is suggested.