Engineering practice has proved that, using double-row piles in foundation pit supporting is a quite well way to safety and economic benefit, when in the foundation pit within 10 meters in depth.
A good control system should not only ensure stability of system and safety of production, but also can bring economic benefit when a model predictive control technique is taken into effect.
Through the retrofit, the economic operation level and safety reliability of the power plant has been improved with significant economic benefit obtained.
The mining and technology play an all-important role in the safety production, exertion of the equipments ability, production cost, economic benefit, and so on.
It is proved that available safety technology measures possess active action to guarantee its safe operation and increase economic benefit.
The roadway manage, actual mining and support beside roadway in thin coal seam are introduced. Through planing reliable safety technology measures, better economic benefit has been achieved.
The major reason is enterprises neglect safety and input little for safety production when they seek economic benefit. Their awareness of safety production is very weak.
The slope safety conditions of Chuanshan Group's dolomite quarry directly affect the economic benefit of the enterprise and the safety of national lifeblood highway project.
Concerning material purchasing process, technical economy, and safety production process, several solutions of material cost reduction in coalmine are discussed to increase economic benefit.
Their production operation and economic benefit plays a decisive role, so the safety of distribution network of these enterprises has a direct relation to their economic benefit.
Mining under the village , the railway and the water is a problem in mining, which is related to the safety and the economic benefit in every coal pit.
The benefit evaluation system of Shengli oilfield safety and economic management should be built, to look for new way of improving oilfield safety and economic management benefit.
Large centrifugal compressor unit, which operation status related with the safety operation and economic benefit of the whole company, is the crucial power equipment in petrochemical industry.
The change in the development system can have great impact on the mining, safety, mine look and economic benefit of the production shaft.
Inclined well of big section is the future developing trend in the while world. Construction of inclined well with top quality, high speed and safety has remarkable economic benefit.
From the research work, a proposal on rearranging the anchorages is presented, insuring safety and durability of the bridge during construction and operation and bringing a good economic benefit.
Rotary kiln is the key equipment in metallurgy, chemistry and architectural material. So the safety and efficiency of its operation is the crux to advance economic benefit of such enterprises.
Then the safety and reliability of equipment operation have been increased, the rate of failure has been decreased, and the annual economic benefit has increased to 8163.6 tho…
通过改造提高了设备操作的安全性、可靠性,降低了设备故障停机率,年创经济效益816.3 6万元。
Then the safety and reliability of equipment operation have been increased, the rate of failure has been decreased, and the annual economic benefit has increased to 8163.6 thousand Yuan.
通过改造提高了设备操作的安全性、可靠性,降低了设备故障停机率,年创经济效益816.3 6万元。
To well conduct safety appraisement to mine-used wire rope is the necessary technical duty for colliery enterprise to product safely and improve economic benefit.
This is a technical key for ensuring long time safety and obtaning good economic socieal benefit.
This is a technical key for ensuring long time safety and obtaning good economic socieal benefit.