There are too many people in the building during the daytime. This is a serious treat to safety in case of fire or other disasters…What are they going to do about this?
In all three instances, BP is accused of ignoring earlier signs of trouble, and, in the case of the fire and the pipeline, of putting profits before safety.
Problems to be talked about at the meeting include the safety of the dormitories, proper use of electricity, what to do in case of fire, prevention of theft and so on.
In case of leakage accident, it is possible to induce pool fire accident and it seriously threatens the safety of staff, residents and their property.
Working with established procedures, Maintenance Technician maintains the fire precaution system and extinguishers, ensures they meet all safety codes and are ready for use in case of an emergency.
In case of fire and other emergency situations please along the evacuation routes and safety of the nearest exit and orderly evacuation!
In case of fire and other emergency situations please along the evacuation routes and safety of the nearest exit and orderly evacuation!