Even the ones who understand may nod sagely.
My studying at the Sagely City has influenced not only me, but also my parents back in Malaysia.
Now that the congratulations have been made, I'm obliged by tradition to give you some sagely advice.
Fair enough, but what about when you walk up to an NPC in the field of battle and you need to hear the sagely words they utter?
'Ah, that's the secret, ' said Joan Durbeyfield sagely. 'However, tis well to be kin to a coach, even if you don't ride in 'en.
Having an idol, inspires us with energy to keep abreast sagely; facing a goal, encourages us with power to march forward bravely.
Prospective police bike-riders are sagely advised to wear padded shorts "for in-saddle comfort" and reminded to eat and drink enough.
Although I said that aspiring to sagehood and making the resolves of a sage is the first step, you may also take the next step by reading the books of sages and doing sagely deeds.
Although I said that aspiring to sagehood and making the resolves of a sage is the first step, you may also take the next step by reading the books of sages and doing sagely deeds.