Pope Gregory III designated November 1st as All Saints' Day, a time to honor saints and martyrs.
On Lord's Day, all those new saints kept getting up and sharing, and we went way over the scheduled time, just because the overflow was so abundant.
It means "holy evening", and it comes every October 31, the evening before All Saints' Day.
On the evening before All Saints' Day in 1517, Martin Luther nailed 95 theses to the door of a church in Wittenberg.
When he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all them that believe (because our testimony among you was believed) in that day.
At that time November 1st was called "all saints' day" and people honoured all the saints who did not have their own special day.
Paul says very clearly that the saints are not going to mourn on that day.
Today’s Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints doesn’t resemble a cult in any meaningful way.
The next day the city’s beloved football team, the Saints—famous mostly for bumbling—won the Super Bowl for the first time in their 43-year existence.
At 9.30 on the morning of November 1st 1755, All Saints Day, an earthquake struck Lisbon while most of the population was at church.
There are so many great men and women of God in Church history, how many saints would we commemorate on a fixed day?
The name Halloween means the evening before all Hallows or all Saints Day.
The Catholic church honored saints on this designated day.
Those who follow the teaching of the Latter Day Saints are strong believers in the family unit.
I long to see most of the site is "The Last Supper" and more out of hand, like the women of Latter-day Saints, it was a prank urchin !
It means "holy evening, " and it comes every October 31, the evening before All Saints' Day.
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The company specializes in on Christmas Day , Valentine's Day , All Saints' Day the series and hotel , teahouse use candles etc. ordinarily with series of the candle and all kinds of.