Food producers make tiny, crunchy breakfast cakes out of true cereal with the addition of sugar, corn syrup, salt, food dyes and preservatives.
As they approached the shore, a lanky, suntanned, salt-encrusted 26-year-old stepped out with a splash and clambered up onto a jumble of broken basalt.
Instead of freshwater moving out of the plant cells, salt from the seawater enters, reverse osmosis, and this actually strengthens the cells.
For the past two years water has flowed in plenty; torrents have surged down riverbeds that had been dry for years, flushing out accumulations of salt and detritus.
The word "cereal" has been hijacked, however, by food producers who make tiny, crunchy breakfast cakes out of true cereal with the addition of sugar, corn syrup, salt, food dyes and preservatives.
Unless some breakthrough occurs in getting the salt out of sea water, the best hope of a happy marriage between supply and demand comes from much greater restraint among water-users.
The blizzard had been expected, allowing cities time to crank out the salt and snow plows.
You can leave out the salt in many recipes, including casseroles, stews and other main dishes that you cook.
“In the case of the DEC salt, it ran out, ” Milner says.
And the border shall go down to Jordan, and the goings out of it shall be at the salt sea: this shall be your land with the coasts thereof round about.
Blot up spilled wine and then pour salt on top to absorb what's left, pulling as much of it out of the fabric as possible.
Drive closer and the sharp white peaks turn out to be a small Alps of salt -the Aral Tuz Company stockpile.
当车辆靠近后,那白色的尖峰就变成了一个由盐构成的小阿尔卑斯山——那就是咸海塔兹(the Aral Tuz)公司的储备。
And as a Wooten's group, the Center for Science in the Public Interest, regularly points out, processed foods are often loaded with salt, sugar and fat.
In their search for relief, many sinus sufferers have turned to nasal saline irrigation, a therapy that USES a salt and water solution to flush out the nasal passages.
In their search for relief, many sinus sufferers have turned to nasal saline irrigation, a therapy that USES a salt and water solution to flush out the nasal cavity.
By that same logic, he speculated, if future policies reduce the average amount of salt in food, people might compensate by seeking out saltier foods - or by simply eating still more of everything.
Salt started out more than 5, 000 years ago as a simple preservative.
The Kraft food company has brilliant scientists, of course, so it can easily take the salt out of its dressing.
Largely out of the public eye, they made terrific progress: 25 percent of the world's households consumed iodized salt in 1990.
When iodized salt ran out, they bought iodine-free sea salt. Then, even more bizarrely, soy sauce.
The Japanese have reported that some of the seawater used for cooling has returned to the ocean, suggesting that some of the salt may have flowed out again.
They waited for a time when he was fast asleep, and then they took the Water of Life from him, emptying it out of his cup and pouring salt sea-water into it instead.
Watch out for bone thieves: Too much salt and alcohol can SAP the strength from your bones.
The mutton is prepared by soaking it in a saturated salt solution for three weeks, and then taken out and dried.
If the fresh water were to fall below a certain point, the salt water could rush upward and mix with it, taking out a water supply that is essential for Israel.
When they drew close, we turned on a high-pressure fire hose so all this salt water began to come out and douse the rail on which they'd erected a metal ladder, and were going up.
When they drew close, we turned on a high-pressure fire hose so all this salt water began to come out and douse the rail on which they'd erected a metal ladder, and were going up.