Horizontal causality occurs when the event publisher resides on the same layer in an architecture's virtual layers as the event receiver.
The idea behind class wrapping is that a target class can be wrapped in a layer of instrumenting code that retains the same external behavior as the class that's wrapped.
To take an extreme example, imagine that an electron does not scatter in an iron layer unless its spin points in the same direction as the layer's magnetization.
You add the roads layer to the map using the same method as in Listing 4, substituting the layers and map options with appropriate values.
On a new layer, draw another rounded rectangle, this time with 10px corners at the same width as the original.
Similarly, all WSDL files for the task layer define the same data types defined as the variables in the BPEL file in Listing 1.
同样,由任务层的所有WSDL文件定义的数据类型都与在清单 1 的BPEL文件中所定义的变量的数据类型相同。
Most of the solutions exercising multifactor as well as multi-layer authentication make use of the same underlying network security mechanism.
Those same capabilities can be used in the provider creation layer as well.
Despite its advantages, most of the solutions exercising multifactor as well as multi-layer authentication make use of the same underlying network security mechanisms.
First, our lips don't have the same protective outer layer as the skin elsewhere on our bodies.
The likelihood of an electron scattering in a magnetized iron layer depends on whether the spin points in the same direction as the iron magnetization or in the opposite direction.
The second antipattern (also known as Pass the Parcel) relates to situations where the same transfer objects and methods are specified in the designs of the components in each architectural layer.
第二个反模式(也称为传递包裹(Passthe Parcel))与以下情况有关:每个架构层的组件设计中指定了相同的传输对象和方法。
This is especially important now that the same service layer is expected to support both Silverlight and non-Microsoft clients such as iOS and Android clients.
The new layer is selected for display, and the result in Figure 8 is the same as before when ArcExplorer performed the filtering itself.
Note that the operation in the "receive" service is named "receiveSomeData" and is not the same as the one defined in the integration layer for the "publish" service.
For the wheat layer I used the same OVERLAY blending mode as I used for the windmill.
Once again, I used the Rockwell font with the same Layer Styles for etching as I used on the navigation.
Waste gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and the same CFCs that wreck the ozone layer all tend to trap sunlight and warm the earth.
As a crystal grows, atoms are added layer upon layer following the same pattern.
Even with the same flesh and blood, even as close as brothers, you're still unable to grasp under that thin layer of skin what a heart is hidden.
The important conclusion is reached that the deposition layer is wider as the angle is bigger under the same condition.
The braid is used as an additional shield, which creates the shock-absorption layer beyond the jacket and at the same time is a bandage for the copper tapes screen.
And the strong karstification in the same direction as layer and cataclasis create by tectonic stress are the control factors of Ordovician carbonate karst reservoir development.
Add another layer and repeat the same techniques as the last step, but this time make the brush color white and the layer opacity around 5%.
又增加了一层和重复同样的技术,作为最后一步,但是这一次使刷颜色白色和不透明层约5 %。
The stress of the crustal median layer is roughly the same direction as the deep layer.
Under the same temperature, Strength of coke increases after the reaction and coke fines decreases as the amount of UPC being injected into coke layer increases.
RESULTS: TP had the same structure of each layer as normal retina and its similar growth and development rule, which also could synthesize relative neural active substance.
The whole cutting layer will be split into pieces of metal fibres as several tiny teeth of the multi-tooth tool are involved in cutting at the same time.
The whole cutting layer will be split into pieces of metal fibres as several tiny teeth of the multi-tooth tool are involved in cutting at the same time.