The boxes were stationary, and the one containing food was always at the same point of the compass.
A lawyer made the same point, "Although I had no background in law—not even one political science course—I did well at one of the best law schools."
When surveyors sight the summit, there is a risk they might not all measure the same point.
We have been making this same point since the Declaration of Alma-Ata.
Much the same point applies to the holders of Asian official reserves.
This is valid only if input and output LO are connected at the same point.
The same point could also be repeated in the flow for a specified number of times.
European efforts to resist the rise of the English language have now reached the same point.
So think about this — this trajectory will take longer but it ends up at the same point.
But the point that the French people missed is the same point that haunts the world today.
The use of different Ji 'nan luminous character of the same point of view is not the same.
I know, of course, that not everyone Shared the same point of view or voted in the same way.
the same as polar point 2, polar point 1 And then I could say well, gee, are they the same point?
I know, of course, that not everyone Shared the same point of view, or voted in the same way.
Had he been leading or in P22, that failure would have happened at the same point of the race.
This is a method I've mentioned before, but it never hurts to try and drive the same point home.
The child's eyes may be misaligned and not focus on the same point at the same time (strabismus).
Mynumerous traditional Chinese friends have the same point of view ! we don'tcelebrate the demons !
Each of you has specific needs, and rarely are two of you exactly at the same point of understanding.
The same point is that both of them cherish human beings and take moral perfection as their responsibility.
The many paths that lead to it will make no difference; all will reach the same point of ascension together.
Notice how the angle of the elbows is the same on both sides, and how my hands enter at the same point on both sides.
They wind up with the same self-styled grandiosity; they've just found a more interesting way to get to the same point.
In another similar debate a few weeks ago, my opponent, artist and animal rights activist Sunny Taylor, made the same point.
在几周前另外一场相同论点的辩论中,我的对手,艺术家和动物权益活动家桑尼·泰勒(Sunny Taylor),也持有同样的观点。
If the return side of the signal source or the measuring device is connected to this same point, there will be a minimum of interference.
If a user leaves the page and later returns in the same browser session, he will be returned to the same point where he left off in the application.
If a user leaves the page and later returns in the same browser session, he will be returned to the same point where he left off in the application.