A Samsung Galaxy S II retails for $499.99, but costs $199.99 when purchased with a two-year contract on the Sprint web site.
比如说一款售价499.99美元的三星Galaxy S II 在与Sprint签订2年的使用协议之后就可以降到199.99美元。
Motorola says it's 7 millimeters thick, more than a millimeter thinner than the iPhone or the Samsung Galaxy s II, and weighs 4.5 ounces.
摩托罗拉称,这款手机的厚度仅有7毫米,比iPhone和三星的Galaxy S II还要薄一毫米多,重仅4.5盎司。
At the event, Samsung Electronics set to launch GALAXY s II LTE, its first LTE smartphone in Korean market.
在活动中三星电子正式向韩国市场发行了其第一部GALAXY S IILTE智能手机。
Samsung Electronics declared the launch of the Mobile HD era by unveiling the world's first LTE smartphone with the HD Super AMOLED GALAXY s II HD LTE.
三星电子声明,高清手机揭开了世界上第一部LTE智能手机的面纱,开启了超高清amoled技术GALAXY S IIHD LTE的时代。
Samsung has a lot riding on the Galaxy s II.
Samsung has a lot riding on the Galaxy s II.