Samsung Group may also set up another joint venture to make biosimilars this year, Kim said.
Samsung Electronics, the corresponding unit of the rival Samsung Group, is much less bullish.
Investigators have also questioned Lee's son, his brother-in-law, and senior Samsung Group officials.
The biggest case concerns the Samsung Group, South Korea's largest, and its recent chairman, 66-year-old Lee Gun-hee.
The Samsung group is being investigated by a special prosecutor over claims it operated a massive slush fund for bribery.
Samsung Group representatives have issued detailed rebuttals and said its various companies and executives will cooperate with investigators.
But since his father, Lee Kun-hee, suffered a heart attack in 2014, he is considered DE facto boss of the entire Samsung Group conglomerate.
More than 70 brands, including big companies such as Lenovo Group, Dell inc, Hewlett-Packard Corp and Samsung Group, are competing for the Chinese market.
Now, there is another looming concern: a potential bribery and accounting scandal involving the entire Samsung Group, the largest conglomerate in South Korea.
现在又浮现出另一件令人担忧的事情:整个三星集团(Samsung Group)这家韩国最大的企业集团都陷入行贿和会计丑闻之中。
The DRAM investigation also spawned dozens of antitrust lawsuits against companies like Infineon Technologies ag, the Samsung Group and Hynix Semiconductor Inc.
Police official said: "It is hard to hide from the security of the Samsung Group to set explosives, but just in case, are searching for ordinary people to access the site."
Samsung Group, which includes 15 publicly traded companies and an additional 40 smaller affiliates, is led by Lee Kun-hee, son of its founder and now South Korea's wealthiest man.
三星集团包括15家上市公司和另外40家较小的公司。集团董事长李健熙(Lee Kun - hee)目前是韩国第一富豪,其父为集团创始人。
The chief accuser, a former Samsung Group attorney, has revealed little evidence to back up the allegations of wrongdoing that he laid out over several news conferences earlier this month.
Lee Jae-yong, vice-chairman and heir apparent of the Samsung group, has been summoned to appear for questioning today over suspicions of bribery 5, the special prosecutors 6' office said yesterday.
韩国特别检察官办公室昨日表示,三星集团副董事长、推定继承人李在镕(Lee Jae-yong)已被传唤,将于今日就涉嫌行贿一事接受讯问。
Although Mr Lee is no longer chairman, Samsung executives in private talk as though he were still running the group.
But Father Kim declined to meet the Economist, saying his group had made a collective decision not to talk to foreign reporters about the Samsung allegations.
但是金神父拒绝会见The Economist,说他的组织已经做了一个集体决定,不向外国记者谈论对三星的这些指控。
The new hires work in Samsung's Global Strategy Group, which does all of its business in English, advising top Samsung executives on internal consulting projects.
The sponsors are a Chinese company, the Lenovo Group, along with Coca-Cola and Samsung.
Also can think on the other hand in the future group of SamSung of in control of accumulates experience.
Also can think on the other hand in the future group of SamSung of in control of accumulates experience.