Caesar also is sanctioned by Jupiter, is he not?
Our plan wasn't sanctioned by the board of directors.
It was the third officially-sanctioned attempt to do so in 30 years.
One was the new category of recreational aircraft the FAA sanctioned in 2004.
They say the rules governing women are sanctioned by scripture and therefore cannot be altered.
Anyone caught smiling in the picture will be sanctioned under the company's mental health policy.
On the bright side, Guam won its first ever FIFA-sanctioned match earlier this year, beating Mongolia, 1-0.
Fighters described how they have been organised into brigades sanctioned by the Transitional Nation Council.
There have been a few notable exceptions, sanctioned by the UN Security Council, but these have been rare and post facto.
When Japan sanctioned the international use of the yen in the 1980s it set the stage for a damaging property bubble.
France takes its thermal baths very seriously, surrounding them with white-coated doctors and state-sanctioned holidays.
US law enshrines these state-sanctioned oligopolists’ status as “nationally recognised statistical rating organisations”.
"We've heard the rumors that many iPhones are being used outside the officially sanctioned countries," Net Applications says.
The latter is proving extremely popular with developers despite competition from the W3C-sanctioned schema definition language.
尽管有来自W3C 批准的模式定义语言的竞争,但事实证明 RELAX NG非常受开发人员欢迎。
EXSLT is a set of XSLT extensions that are developed and sanctioned by the XSLT community, and supported in most XSLT processors.
Latin was still the language of scholarship and so it was a Latin text that sanctioned the use of the Greek word in English medicine.
Some other oil companies say that they would not have sanctioned all, or even any, of BP's decisions about cementing, pipes and so on.
Few of those plants have ever been sanctioned for those emissions, nor were their discharge permits altered to prevent future pollution.
In the same ruling, Ms. Illston dismissed broader claims by the plaintiffs that Oracle should be sanctioned for failing to preserve evidence.
Last week in the Guardian, Michael White wondered why Liam Fox did not make his friend Adam Werrity an officially sanctioned special adviser.
Mr Luzhkov then took another holiday, this one sanctioned by the Kremlin, to consider his future, celebrating his 74th birthday there last week.
It was the combination of banking deregulation and the G7-sanctioned surge in the yen that ushered in the final manic stage of the Japanese bubble.
In effect, the agreement creates a legally sanctioned cartel for digital-book rights that could artificially inflate the price of library subscriptions.
And the indefatigable Internet propagandists insisting on either unadorned Macedonia or Greece-sanctioned FYROM would have to find something else to do.
The garrote very common once, is no longer sanctioned by law in any country though training in its use is still carried out in the French Foreign Legion.
The garrote very common once, is no longer sanctioned by law in any country though training in its use is still carried out in the French Foreign Legion.