This Santa Rosa Cabernet Sauvignon comes from Central Valley.
"Methuselah Project" is initiated at the Santa Rosa Institute.
From Jenny Weaver to Mark Bjerke, college students in Santa Rosa, California.
In the circuit court of the first judicial circuit, in and for Santa Rosa County, Florida.
Unidentified BP contract workers remove oil related material on Santa Rosa Island, Florida on Wednesday June 9, 2010.
My first coach was Andrew Wallach, a local strongman and the head routesetter at Vertex Climbing Center, in Santa Rosa, California.
Along the way, more than 20 other Rotary clubs across the country picked up on the idea and began holding symposiums based on the Santa Rosa format.
Because it was a misdemeanor, Cardoza said the man would not be taken to jail and his name not disclosed. Cardoza said only that he was from Santa Rosa.
Thee proposals must be delivered to the Secretary of the Company at the following address: ZAP Jonway, 501 Fourth Street, Santa Rosa, CA 95401, Attention: Secretary.
The proposals must be delivered to the Secretary of the Company at the following address: ZAP Jonway , 501 Fourth Street, Santa Rosa, CA 95401, Attention: Secretary.
这些建议必须交付给公司秘书,地址如下:ZAP 公司永源,501四街,圣罗莎,加州95401,注名:秘书收。
'She said, 'You never butter them to the edges, you just pat it in the middle, ' says Mr. Caudill, a 59-year-old winery marketing representative in Santa Rosa, Calif.
家住加利福尼亚州圣罗莎(Santa Rosa)、现年59岁的葡糖酒市场营销代表考迪尔先生说,“她说,'你从不给松饼抹满黄油,你就是把黄油搁在松饼中间就完了。'”
The Santa Rosa Press Democrat reports that California Highway Patrol officers found the dead birds near the roadway on Saturday and called in the state Department of Fish and Game to investigate.
The Santa Rosa Press Democrat reports that California Highway Patrol officers found the dead birds near the roadway on Saturday and called in the state Department of Fish and Game to investigate。
The Santa Rosa Press Democrat reports that California Highway Patrol officers found the dead birds near the roadway on Saturday and called in the state Department of Fish and Game to investigate。