Because you want to represent a new material with additional data attributes, you first need to create a new business object subtype in SAP ERP and create the additional attributes.
因为要在新的材料中表示其他数据属性,所以首先要在SAP ERP中创建一个新的业务对象子类型,并创建其他属性。
These additional elements would have to be added to the business object subtype and workflow container in SAP ERP.
这些额外的元素本应该添加到SAP ERP中的业务对象子类型和工作流容器。
As a testament to the Agile disaster on ERP projects, I work in the SAP ERP space.
作为敏捷方法对于ERP项目是个灾难的实际证明,我在SAP ERP领域工作。
SAP supplied ERP software through a third-party reseller, but did not perform any contractual services directly to GSIS.
SAP透过第三方经销商提供ERP软件,但并未直接为GS IS执行任何合同服务。
Here you need the value that you specified previously for the groupware bound item type in the SAP ERP back-end network.
在这里需要用到先前为SAP erp后端网络中的群件绑定项指定的值。
The SAP adapter discovery wizard looks into your ERP and discovers the services that are available for accessing the applications that are in it.
ERP SAP query Embedded in email Same as ERP alv.
ERP SAP查询内嵌在电子邮件中与ERPALV相同。
Meanwhile, the database system that SAP company also plans to use other firm regards ERP software R/3 as systematic semifinished product.
As a part of the SAP basis component, the ABAP/4 language realizes the classified-querying, summarizing and printing of the accounting documents in the financial module of ERP system.
The agreement means ABB has adopted SAP as its main ERP software.
Management platform: adopt ERP management system from SAP company, where management level and customer response time are improved significantly.
Manage ERP (or SAP) implementation. And manage the inventory accuracy. And manage cycle recounting implementation and result solution.
Despite their size SMEs are increasingly implementing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems like SAP R/3, Oracle and Peoplesoft.
Implement all related customs practices information and documentation into ERP and SAP system, as well as maintain the original documents.
This chapter focuses on sales contracts and special processes, with specific tips on their use and configuration in SAP ERP.
本章关注的是销售合同和一些特殊的流程以及在SAP ERP系统中使用和配置它们的技巧。
Read how a mining industry leader integrated disparate processes and systems from merged companies by deploying SAP ERP and SAP Treasury and Risk Management.
SAP ERP 帮助全世界的公司扩展实时业务流程的覆盖范围,将员工、供应商、合作伙伴和客户联系在一起。
Read how a mining industry leader integrated disparate processes and systems from merged companies by deploying SAP ERP and SAP Treasury and Risk Management.
SAP ERP 帮助全世界的公司扩展实时业务流程的覆盖范围,将员工、供应商、合作伙伴和客户联系在一起。