Films at the Museum Two European films will be on this Saturday afternoon at the Museum Theatre.
It is hereby announced that there will be a talk on the international situation in the auditorium at 3 on Saturday afternoon.
What time does Mark start to work on Saturday afternoon?
What will they do in the party on Saturday afternoon?
One Saturday afternoon, Amy found Meg and Jo getting well dressed.
Spending time with my mom and sisters on a Saturday afternoon, baking sweets.
Then on Saturday afternoon he goes down to the river and fishes until it is dark.
James Harris, 37, was shot in the leg while hunting with some friends on Saturday afternoon.
One Saturday afternoon while Les was at the station, a deejay named Rock was drinking while on the air.
As of Saturday afternoon, Web traffic to news sites was still heavy at 5.7 million visitors per minute.
Now, when I'm lounging around aimlessly on a Saturday afternoon, I feel a twinge of that same helplessness.
Or getting someone else to wash and detail your car instead of spending Saturday afternoon doing it yourself?
Steven: If we go out on Saturday afternoon, when will we do the grocery shopping? When will I do my exercises?
The event has been canceled and a memorial service will be held for the pilot Saturday afternoon, the show said.
"The funeral services will be held on Saturday afternoon in the east room of the White House," the statement added.
One Saturday afternoon last winter, I drove north on Route 85 through the rolling rangeland of southeastern Wyoming.
Jyotirmoy Dey, 56, was shot at point blank range by four gunmen on two motorbikes near his home on Saturday afternoon.
The Speaking exam can be on the Saturday afternoon or the Sunday, so it is important that you are free for two full days.
Taller buildings began filling the view as they entered midtown, the sidewalks emptier here late on a Saturday afternoon.
The 8 workers who were trapped Friday in a collapsed tunnel in the Guiyang-Kunming railway were rescued Saturday afternoon.
One Saturday afternoon, the enormous square pool at Saint-Georges was full of a mix of groups of men and parents with children.
Can you ask a neighbor to sit in your house during the kids' nap on Saturday afternoon so you can get out for coffee as a couple?
Jing, who did not want to give his full name, was toting a leather clutch during a visit to Sanlitun Village one Saturday afternoon.
At a kids' school near City Hall, students sat enraptured on a Saturday afternoon, watching our mascot Roddy explain a grammar point.
You might, for instance, plan to go to a movie on Saturday afternoon - which makes it easier to stay focused on chores in the morning.
Peeling out of the parking lot of the refuge facility Saturday afternoon, he made a brief announcement to the passengers in his minivan.
Peeling out of the parking lot of the refuge facility Saturday afternoon, he made a brief announcement to the passengers in his minivan.