In a recent study, Stephen Saunders Webb has presented a formidable challenge to this view.
The losers, said retail analyst Neil Saunders, are online-only retailers, especially smaller ones.
Alan Saunders: Arthur Danto, I've enjoyed our conversation.
Mr. Saunders believes that he deserves more paid vacations.
In Saunders' store, patrons roamed freely among shelves packed with goods.
Saunders: He writes, ‘you know that she’s half crazy but that’s why you want to be there.’
桑德斯:他写道, '你知道她已如痴似狂 ,不过这正是你留恋的原因。'
Alan Saunders: One of the problems here, if we take say, the example of Pierre Menard.
Danny is the son of Reb Saunders, the pious and revered head of a great Hasidic dynasty.
Saunders: so would you say in a way, in the spiritual sense, you were great lovers at some level?
The letter was addressed to Visa CEO Joseph W. Saunders and MasterCard chief Robert W. Selander.
德宾的信件是写给维萨首席执行官约瑟夫W·桑德斯和万事达首席执行官罗伯特W·塞兰德的。 两家公司的新闻发言人并未立即对信件做出回应。
Of all the countless examples the saga of Colonel Saunders is perhaps one of the most outstanding.
Of all the countless examples the saga of Colonel Saunders is perhaps one of the most outstanding.
Please have a seat, Mr. Saunders. I received your job resume last week, and it was very impressive.
Some Suggestions are put for-ward for protection and management of breeding habitat for Saunders' Gull.
In 1732, Franklin began the publication of an almanac under the name Richard Saunders (an English astrologer).
Saunders said submarines don't always turn on their radar systems, or make their presence obvious to other shipping.
This paper also provides the habitat types and factors affecting the distribution and population of Saunders' s Gull.
Saunders: Could you describe one of the typical evenings that you spent with Leonard Cohen at the time the song was written?
When Wizards coach Flip Saunders was asked about Wall’s performance, he said, “We got beat by 29 so he didn’t do very good.”
Alan Saunders: Once Andy Warhol has done what he did with the Brillo box, does our relationship to actual Brillo boxes change?
Saunders says the smaller tasks—like directions—are easier to take on because it can be over quickly with less of an emotional commitment.
In American states, for example, race is a far more accurate predictor of murder, imprisonment and infant-mortality rates, says Mr Saunders.
Twenty years ago it was enough to have duty free, a newsagent and flip-flops, "says Neil Saunders of retail analysts Verdict Research."
According to Saunders, other changes will lie in the fact that the new Ariel model won't be as bereft of side panels and a roof as the Atom.
Michael Saunders of Citigroup said it could be time for Darling to follow Paulson in using taxpayers' cash to keep the mortgage markets open.
Mark Saunders, the chief U.K. economist at Citigroup says the effects of the problem will take time to resolve and it will require a multiple approach.
So Bobbie Saunders was relieved when her doctor offered to perform the less radical procedure when she was diagnosed with breast cancer eight years ago.
Mark Saunders, the chief U. K. economist at Citigroup says the effects of the problem will take time to resolve and it will require a multiple approach.
Mark Saunders, the chief U. K. economist at Citigroup says the effects of the problem will take time to resolve and it will require a multiple approach.