I love to saunter in the spring breeze on a narrow mountain path bedecked with strawberries growing graciously like delicate red lanterns.
Some of the commonest synonyms for walk in the English language (such as trudge, stroll and saunter) have no clear etymological roots.
To the fan without money, carry a travelling bag on the back, carry a map, in Germany blind saunter, next bubble is in bar, can mix a month.
Let Dunga, the Brazilian legend, or German coach Joachim Low saunter the sidelines coolly in their casual designer duds.
Arrived to study by oneself in scheduled time class, he is flat escape the class runs to computer city to saunter, observation market level, the soft hardware with new try out.
Arrived to study by oneself in scheduled time class, he is flat escape the class runs to computer city to saunter, observation market level, the soft hardware with new try out.