To try this out, type the above into a text editor and save the file as "test.html", then view the file in a web browser.
要试验它,可以在文本编辑器里面输入上面的代码并保存文件为“test .html”,然后在一个浏览器中查看这个文件。
When you type them into the Python interpreter (or if you save them in a file and execute them as a Python program), the statements are read starting on the left side and progressing to the right.
Documents being edited locally save to your Google Docs account whenever you hit the 'save' button, but unlike the normal Google Docs web editor, changes aren't saved as you type them.
文档在当地编辑,然后当你点击“保存”时保存到你的GoogleDocs账户上,而不是像Google Docs在线编辑器那样在你每次输入时保存。
Once the binding is generated, select the import and in the Properties view, change the default message type from Byte to Text, as shown in Figure 17, and save your changes.
In addition, mobl integrates into the existing Eclipse IDE and the tooling around it, providing error checking as-you-type, reference resolving, code completion and compile-on-save.
You have two options: you can extract the file called test. py from the zip file associated with this article or you can type the function into an editor and save the file as
有两个选择:您可以从与本文相关的压缩文件中提取名为test .py的文件,也可以在编辑器中键入函数,然后将文件保存为test . py。
And having two prompts allows more information to be shown, to save you having to type some commonly used commands, such as "PWD".
有这两种提示符就可以显示更多的信息,这样您就不需要输入一些常用的命令,例如“ pwd ”。
When your code runs, you can examine the characteristics of the file, such as its name, size, and MIME type, and you can then save it.
Unlike Hero Detail, which updates as you type, Crisis Detail changes are temporary until you either save or discard them by pressing the "save" or "Cancel" buttons.
The house type has an outward-extending passageway which can be used as a room or an aisle, and the living space is larger than the building area to save 30 percent of the building area.
本房型有外伸的通道,既可作房间,又可 作走廊,居住面积大于建筑面积,可节省建筑面积30%。
For example, you can attach, open, delete, and save files from work items, such as ane-mail thread, document, image, log file, or other file type.
For example, you can attach, open, delete, and save files from work items, such as ane-mail thread, document, image, log file, or other file type.