Julie wanted to put some of her money aside for holidays or save up for something special.
I'm trying to save up for my trip to Italy this summer. I can make do for now.
But now my daughter's grown and working. I only need to save up for the dowry, which is manageable.
And the credit stays in effect until 2016, so there's plenty of time to save up for the big project.
It is affordable so you won't have to save up for months just to be able to have your teeth whitened.
Save up for stuff instead of charging it; by the time you have the money, you may not even want it anymore!
It'll be greener than flying, plus it probably be cheaper, so you don't have to work as hard to save up for it.
You can't pay off debt or save up for your dream house without knowing how much you spend and what you spend it on.
As a factory worker, he had to save up for two months and sell his wife's coats and watch to buy an ordinary camera.
You can't buy love, but with a Japanese piggy bank that combines thrift with virtual romance, you can at least save up for it.
This time last year I was living alone, working two jobs and struggling to pay my rent, bills, save up for a car, and pay for college.
Entire families save up for months so that the requisite number of buffalo can be killed to help transport the departed soul on its ghostly journey.
Around 20% of people consulted said they had already put money aside and 36% said they would save up for the expenditure rather than use a credit card.
Its members will buy the same branded goods, save up for the same houses, sign up for the same credit CARDS and aspire to put their children into the same schools.
If it has to hire a caregiver for every two children, it can't really achieve any economies of scale on labor to save money when other expenses go up.
For most parents, it can help them save a lot of time because they only have to pick up their children after school.
The people of the Amazon have shown they are up for the fight to save our ecosystem.
Save the Children, an international aid agency, has set up safe spaces for children to meet and play throughout the tsunami zone, with toys, games, crayons and paper.
It would do wonders for your physique (especially if you are loading up on bowl of ice cream) and would save you money in the process because you eat less.
Here are some tips for setting it up and customizing it that will save you some time.
The runtime can save the responses of the web services and automatically serve them up for popular requests, significantly speeding up processor-intensive service requests.
For example, if vi is the most-used command in a session, then you can save time if only text files come up during Tab completion.
Instead of typing his columns with an electric typewriter, which he'd done for 25 years, my grandfather had to learn to type on a computer... and save it, and pull it up from a directory.
The little things that you do to save fuel all adds up not only for your wallet, but for future generations and the planet Earth as well.
You may also choose to tighten up your spending habits simply to get out of debt or to save more for retirement.
You may also choose to tighten up your spending habits simply to get out of debt or to save more for retirement.