How to read the full text of saved feed entries within the feed-reader interface.
Note that every time a feed is saved to your index, no matter whom it is, that feed will be saved in your index.
You completed Part 7 of this "Understanding the Zend Framework" series by mastering the Zend_Search class in the Zend Framework, which allows you to search the saved entries in your feed reader.
The XSLT is to be used in every feed generation, so it is saved as an attribute.
The AuthHelper USES the IEditorContext instance to automatically retrieve parameter values saved with the feed during earlier invocation of the editor.
The comment number of the document can be calculated by counting the entry number in the feed, and the result can be saved into the SearchItem bean.
可以通过计算提要中的条目数来计算文档的评论数量,然后可以将结果保存到SearchItem bean中。
The finished feed is finally saved into the InfoSphere MashupHub catalog and can now be accessed by anyone who has privileges to invoke it.
Over time, they are able to discover other features (such as groups, saved searches, imported feed, etc), but those things aren't part of the initial experience.
At the end of this article, you will be able to search feed entries that have been saved in your feed reader.
Copying occurs only within Firefox through an extension, with data saved to an Atom XML feed.
复制通过扩展仅发生在Firefox中,而数据则被保存到了一个Atom xml提要中。
In practice, if consider the production performance separately, the proposal NPP requirement is 0.20%, which feed costs can be saved.
In practice, if consider the production performance separately, the proposal NPP requirement is 0.20%, which feed costs can be saved.