You can enjoy a year's membership for just $28 – a saving of $7 off the regular rate.
By 2007, DuPont was saving $2.2bn a year through energy efficiency, the same as its total declared profits that year.
By 2007, DuPont was saving $2.2 billion a year through energy efficiency, the same as its total declared profits that year.
Tim and Barbara are now saving for a house in the suburbs.
If you're saving up for a new outfit you've had your eye on, cheap dinners for a month might let you buy it.
The decision appears to be a face-saving compromise which will allow the governor to remain in office.
While they sound efficient and cost-saving, a recent study reports that they are not effective, primarily because depressed patients are not likely to engage with them or stick with them.
They are busy saving a patient.
He is too busy saving a dying patient in the operation room.
Doctors say that the first 10 minutes after a traffic accident is important for saving a life.
George Reeder, 63, has been given a bravery certificate (证书) because of saving the life of a baby.
The reason for saving a big financial institution that gets into trouble is the economic havoc its failure can cause.
Sometimes you may want to see output on your screen while saving a copy for later.
Walter resigns from 3M and moves into nature conservation working for a minerals magnate who wants to turn some of his ill-earned millions into saving a small woodland bird, the Cerulean warbler.
Lower prices have made a home more affordable to those who were conscientious in saving a down payment and are truly ready to purchase.
Since April 2009 volunteers from the Chiltern Society, a local charity, have worked to clear scrub and brambles there, saving a crumbling Iron Age fort.
Senegal rolled out diagnostic testing in all health facilities within 18 months and is now saving a quarter of a million ACT courses each and every year.
He didn't study out a complete plan for saving a hijacked plane when the plane would arrive at Baghdad.
It meant my income would drop and I was only saving a few hours each month.
This mother's Day, by donating to our initiative you are saving a mother's life and her child's life somewhere in the world.
Through this, UPS could get its packages cleared by the customs authorities even before their arrival into the airport, thereby saving a lot of time required for the customs clearance process.
This mostly focuses on saving a little bit of energy, which byitself is simply not enough.
Phoebe, an avowed champion of animal rights, was persuaded on the grounds that she’d be saving a dog that might otherwise be put down.
The advantages of closures go beyond saving a few lines of code, and the usage patterns go beyond simple iteration.
Subscribers also register a number of other preferences when saving a subscription request, such as how they want to receive the results of activity matching their subscription criteria.
We did not remove the actual availability verification done before saving a request, so users will be told if the room is actually available (or not) before their request is saved.
It is usually not appropriate to capture these specific values in a pattern because you would end up creating and saving a pattern for literally every deployment.
In addition, by saving a catalog of private images, you can quickly retest or isolate issues to particular configurations.
Uploading content will be as simple as saving a file on the local hard drive is today, and in some cases simpler.
In another example, you must decide between saving a few lives now with very expensive treatments or preventing many more deaths with thousands of cheap diagnostic tests.