If you can't say what you do for a living in one sentence, it's probably illegal.
You didn't say what you do while working at home, but might it be computer animation?
Some titles do say what you do. If you 're a pilot you fly planes. Teachers teach. Builders build. Coaches coach. But most titles are more ambiguous.
When you have to say something in English, think first and ask yourself" What words and phrases do I know in English that I can use in this situation?"
If you talk to the farmers in these rural areas, what do you think they say?
Listening attentively, the two women would say to each other sometimes: "Do you hear what she says about the uncle?"
You say what you would like to do and we route it for you across the UN to find the most likely partner.
Presently, as they tripped along, Tom said to Becky, "Say--I'll tell you what we'll do."
If I say "He's tasty"do you know what it means?
如果我说“He's tasty”,你知道那是什么意思吗?
What do you have to say about the problem of old age?
"Don't mind what they say. Let them see that you can do it," said Mrs. Bell.
If someone can get on the Internet in your username, you have no control over what they do or say.
If someone can sign in (登录) as you, you will have no control over what they do or say.
Think about what you can do, so that when you come home every day, you can say, "Home, sweet home!"
But remember that your children learn about what matters most to you by what you do, not what you say.
Actually nobody can teach anybody anything you can learn from what I say, there is nothing I can do to make you understand the concept of validity.
No! We did it for fear that some day your descendants might say to ours, 'What do you have to do with the LORD, the God of Israel?
On the other hand, if you realize one day you are going to stand before God and he's going to say, 'What did you do while I put you on earth?
Whenever you catch yourself thinking that you do not want some thing or a thought, you can then say, "Oh, I know what I do not want."
And if you say 'yes' ensure that you do what you say - even if it is inconvenient.
Rather than stating, "I hate public speaking" or "I'm bad with computers," say: "What do you do to control your nerves when you speak in public?"
'what we can do is say, "This is what you could look in a couple of months if you increased your fruit and veg intake",' he told The Grocer magazine.
If you build your relationship on what you do, not what you say, Dr Love says the man in your life will feel more in tune with you, less threatened and there will be fewer issues to sort out.
Not only will your clients and colleagues be pleased with your work ethic when you do what you say, but your own life will reflect the satisfaction of a job well done.
Okay so you do know what I mean when I say you have to remove inconsistent terms then?
And if you want to say what you would like to do, you can begin your sentence: I’d like to... .e.g.
What does it mean? What do you need to say about receiving these products and where do you need to say it?
What do your tunes say about you? PT faces the music.
Be willing to say who you are and what you do with conviction and without apology.
Be willing to say who you are and what you do with conviction and without apology.