Don n't say you will change, hinder the pace of I, a waste of my youth.
别说你会改,阻碍我的步伐,浪费我的青春。 。
Now you are with me, and this is a conscious risk, you say you will not take it.
No matter what I say you will smile, don't believe, and you smile what I believed.
You say you will accompany me for a long time that the sincere way to think are funny.
Suffice to say you will send many emails which you would not want to be seen by everyone.
Respond to every email within a day, even if it's to say you will respond longer form later.
You say you will do this. Let me see some evidence. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
If you will be away for a time, tell them where you are going and make sure you return or call at the time you say you will.
For this kind of purpose, with this kind of purpose, if you come to Buddhism, I cannot say you will be disappointed entirely.
Do say you will. I think I should not be peevish with you: you'd not provoke me, and you'd always be ready to help me, wouldn't you?'
By using the first draft as a means of thinking about what you want to say you will very likely discover more than your notes originally suggested.
Always call her when you say you will, it may not seem like it, but it does hurt her and makes her think you don’t care so call even if you can only talk for a minute.
要做什么的时候,和她打声招呼,虽然并不一定是你喜欢她的表现。 不这样的话,会让她觉得你不那么在意她。
Whenever you say something to a person cruel or kind, you have no idea how long the words will stay with them.
I remember my aunt Mary used to say if you swallow a cherry stone, a tree will grow out of your mouth.
If you sit back, shrug, and say you can't do anything, their interests will prevail over yours.
So, smile when you meet acquaintances or even strangers, say a cheerful "Hi!" and automatically some of your awkwardness will disappear completely!
I am sure the old man will show you the door and won't even listen to what you say.
While ones in physics say: "How can you predict where the ball you tossed will land?"
I think you can safely say she will not be appearing in another of my films.
I am no impostor—she will say it; you shall hear it from the sweetest lips in England.
If you have something to say and you think others will be interested as well, then consider making a podcast or videocast.
When your child throws her spoon on the floor for the sixth time as you try to feed her, and you say, "That's enough! I will not pick up your spoon again!" the child will immediately test your claim.
"Peradventure you will even make so bold as to say he lied," scoffed Hugo.
You will find your passport useful, but the bank will also want to see some form of proof that you are living where you say you are.
The techniques you use are different, and a lot of interpreters will say one is easier than the other, less stressful.
If the person is available, say that you will put the caller through to them.
If you have to describe yourself to someone else, what will you say?
Now if you have courage and are ready to make a few mistakes, what will you say?
At end of the story, all the clues become clear and you will say, "Oh yes, of course, it is the truth."
Sometimes people will say things too quickly and you can't understand them.