There are apps that make and organize grocery lists, convert units of measurement, scale recipes up and down, and manage multiple kitchen timers.
As articles gain more buzz, their ranking, relative to other stories in the same feed, moves up or down on a scale from 1 to 10.
The presenters noted that these options can be used in any combination to scale applications either up or down.
Lower on the list were "respond to request from the business" (12 percent), "convert capital expenditures to operating expenses" (10 percent), and "scale consumption up and down" (9 percent).
The consumer can scale the number of instance resources and virtual servers or blocks of storage area up or down.
This consumer can scale the number of virtual servers or blocks of storage area up or down.
Customers benefit by paying only for what they use, and gain the flexibility to scale up or down as needs change.
In other words, teams can be at different levels of self-organization and can move up or down that scale at different stages.
Whereas the — if I take the rhythm out of the Ninth Symphony really Beethoven there is just going up and down a scale so it's very conjunct.
The infrastructure specialist can scale up or down virtual servers or blocks of storage area.
Many emerging economies have intervened in currency markets on a huge scale, principally in order to keep export competitiveness up and current account deficits down.
If you scale down your test environment, you will have to scale up your results to approximate the Numbers for the production environment.
The ability to scale storage needs (both up and down) means improved cost for the user and increased complexity for the cloud storage provider.
A key point is that the infrastructure is elastic and can scale up and down based on demand.
They need an application architecture that can scale and adapt up, down, and around with them.
Just like the way you would give up smoking you can break the habit and get from a place where you're always feeling down to where you're in the neutral and positive ends of the emotional scale.
You can scale the number of virtual servers or blocks of storage area up or down.
It's also important for the policy-makers to leave room to explain movement down the scale as well as up.
He is currently trying to make his mind up about whether to step up or scale down the operation.
We use Rails on the front end, with our own custom builders on the back end. We are using Amazon's EC2 to scale builders up and down as need dictates.
Is it conceivable that Mr Obama will disregard General McChrystal and decide to scale down rather than beef up a war that he himself has declared vital to America's safety?
It is indicated by the research that making up driving matrix of MLA-LCD by Orthogonal Block Circulant matrix can make the design scale down from square of matrix dimension to matrix dimension.
You form your reality, and this applies all the way up or down the scale, from the consciousness you now have to the tiniest molecule in the tiniest eyelash on your body.
Real squash and stretch is usually some part of an object deforming differently that just a simple scale up or down.
Kirstie has been up and down the scale many times, and right now she is on an upswing.
If one can scale down all dimensions to, let us say, one tenth, the average lengths of the current-paths will be reduced to one tenth. And the speed of operation will be scaled up 10 times.
If one can scale down all dimensions to, let us say, one tenth, the average lengths of the current-paths will be reduced to one tenth. And the speed of operation will be scaled up 10 times.