The scale economy radius is not decided.
Secondly, it can support the scale economy of export.
Its economy mainly includes scale economy, creativity of value and external economy.
The move of population and fund bring the rise of efficiency which is called scale economy effect.
But this kind of scale economy, including the monopoly resulted by it, is all from competition system.
Thirdly, there is a discussion about scale economy and scope economy of airline alliance in this passage.
In this paper the reasonable scale economy of PET textile filament yarn production is explored emphatically.
The effective way to realize the scale economy in the short run is M&I whose main mode is horizontal integration.
The centralized clustering refers to clustering with scale and focus within the tolerable scope of scale economy.
It also analyzes the main characters of scale economy in transnational media groups from the point of media economy.
With the impetus of scale economy, mass tourism rises due to its fixed price, standard service and large-scale selling.
Industry integration is another new phenomenon after the appearance of Scale Economy, Scope Economy and Industry Cluster.
In this paper, we use stochastic frontier model to analyze the scale economy of commercial Banks in China during 1996-2004.
本文运用随机前沿模型对我国商业银行1996 - 2004年的规模经济问题进行了实证研究。
The thesis investigates scale economy in particular and tells readers how to operate beyond the nation to achieve scale economy.
Scale economy is its foundational feature, creativity of value is its functional feature and external economy embodies its social efficiency.
The major theoretic flaw of the conception of scale economy in new classical economics lies in no considering the externalism and spatial factor.
Big CPA firms have the advantage of scale economy, but the scale economy, which mainly appears in the large market segment, doesn't exist everywhere.
The industrial evolution of central cities enjoys advantageous scale economy, preferential exterior economy and strength in structural transformation.
Therefore, the industry has a typical oligopolistic structure, which exists rationally for it makes the industry enjoy scale economy and scope economy.
Representative by America learner R H Coase, the transaction cost theory from view of market transaction cost, made up another explain to scale economy.
Since transmission system appears typical scale economy characteristics, it owns monopoly power, therefore transmission system pricing must be regulated.
The expanding of business conglomerate entrepreneur in its scale would produce two different results for many reasons, which are scale economy and scale diseconomy.
Thirdly, analyze the traits of shipping liner products from the scale economy, the discrepancies of products, market barrier and the hazard of excessive competition.
The result shows that increasing the scale of production and raising the concentration ratio will result in the scale economy and promote the increasing of productivity.
Railway transport has both distance and scale economy, so the railway companies always regard large scale and long distance freight transport as their objective markets.
Transnational corporations' global operating mechanism makes gradual changes from paying attention to scale economy and scope economy to paying attention to speed economy.
The scope economy effect, scale economy effect, experience economy effect, unite economy effect and integration economy effect of the great group technology are researched.
The paper investigates the fundamental factors that influence industrial clusters which are namely transportation cost scale economy and the externalism of project marshall .
The so-called scale economy, it is to point to as the increase of the number of product, the unit will reduce the cost of the product, so as to improve the economic benefits.
According to the strategy of a group company, the financial risk cannot be neglected while a transportation enterprise group is pursuing scale economy and cooperative effect.