She did not know what it was, because at first, she could scarcely distinguish it from the wind itself.
Scarcely an adventure or character is given in his works that may not be traced to his own party-colored story.
This is also shrewd: the poor do not care about his achievements as a diplomat and globaliser, which scarcely impinge on their lives.
They are scarcely seen; they are felt rather than seen; there is the greatest difficulty in making them felt by those who do not of themselves perceive them.
I did not fear her breaking bounds; because the gates were generally locked, and I thought she would scarcely venture forth alone, if they had stood wide open.
Music seems scarcely to attract him, and though he admires Elinor's drawings very much, it is not the admiration of a person who can understand their worth.
That points not to a revival but rather to a slower rate of GDP decline in the present quarter (it could scarcely get worse).
But the fact that the Earth's four-billion year bounty has been so reduced in scarcely a century suggests that helium is sadly not long for this world.
Not until his mother reminded him of tomorrow's dictation contest was he aware that he had scarcely recited the words or had any vocabulary drills.
Man was not sufficiently ready to receive this truth then and is scarcely ready to receive it now.
She did not bother to point out that "wife" was scarcely the operative label with the decree absolutely due in a fortnight.
"My dear Fanny," replied Edmund, scarcely hearing her to the end, "let us not, any of us, be judged by what we appeared at that period of general folly."
What he has said is inexpressibly full of comfort and delight; what he has not said is scarcely less rich in consolation.
The only question left to be settled now is: are women persons? I scarcely believe any of our opponents will have the hardihood to say they are not.
For the last week there has been scarcely an hour when I have not been in pain.
People scarcely realize in imagination that the danger is to themselves and their children and their grandchildren, and not only to a dimly apprehended humanity.
But during his twenty-year reign, scarcely one Chinese writer of any standing had anything good to say about him. Not sure of his talents, Chiang took refuge in being noble.
She saw there was not much bread left in the basket, and the girl was thankful the Scarecrow did not have to eat anything, for there was scarcely enough for herself and Toto for the day.
The moon was not yet set, and we were all in shadow: I could scarcely see my master's face, near as I was.
Elizabeth could not oppose such a wish; and from this time Mr. Bingley's name was scarcely ever mentioned between them.
There is scarcely a neurosis who does not love to dwell upon the evils of the past.
She saw there was not much bread left in the basket, and the girl was thankful the Scarecrow did not have to eat anything, for there was scarcely enough for herself and Toto for the day.
她看看放在篮子里的面包已经不多,剩下的,只够供给自己和托托一天吃的了。 这小女孩子十分感谢稻草人,因为他什么东西都不吃。
She saw there was not much bread left in the basket, and the girl was thankful the Scarecrow did not have to eat anything, for there was scarcely enough for herself and Toto for the day.
她看看放在篮子里的面包已经不多,剩下的,只够供给自己和托托一天吃的了。 这小女孩子十分感谢稻草人,因为他什么东西都不吃。