Provider's scheduled maintenance.
Server Unavailable! Scheduled Maintenance In-Process…
Scheduled maintenance, such as software upgrades and periodic backups.
The aircraft had undergone its last scheduled maintenance on 16 November 2014.
The Online Recruitment Testing System is temporarily unavailable due to scheduled maintenance work.
This helps to decrease scheduled maintenance and assures long-term, problem-free continuous production.
The last scheduled maintenance we know about was on June 16 - delayed by a day at the urging of the US State Department.
During scheduled maintenance work Wednesday night, we experienced some data corruption that impacted Blogger's behavior.
There will be no scheduled maintenance for release day, though should it be deemed necessary, we may have rolling restarts.
In addition, it's acceptable to the enterprise to bring down the application on occasion for a few hours for scheduled maintenance.
People usually like to invest a lot of money in the conversion, but it is easy to ignore the scheduled maintenance of the engine.
To move a system database data or log file as part of a planned relocation or scheduled maintenance operation, follow these steps.
It may send reminders about scheduled tasks and needed parts, so parts can be ordered and be at the ready for the scheduled maintenance.
You are now able to perform scheduled maintenance activities on the Blade and SAP will not suffer any down time as a result of this activity.
We are performing scheduled maintenance on our website Saturday, December 18th starting at 11:59 PM and ending at 12:30 am Arizona Time.
We have found the cause of this and will be removing the unearned titles and achievements during the next regularly scheduled maintenance.
Generating capacity is taken out of service for scheduled maintenance or planned outage and is occasionally lost on an unplanned or forced outage.
On the other hand, deploying a new revision of the application will be more involved and may need to be performed as a part of scheduled maintenance downtime.
If this is not the desired option in a given environment, you can instead use DB2 runstats or reorgchk commands explicitly in a scheduled maintenance window.
如果这不是给定环境的理想选择,您可以在定期维护时间段内显式使用DB 2runstats或reorgchk命令。
I'll arbitrarily divide them into four areas: failures, network issues not within the direct control of service provider, denial of service, and scheduled maintenance.
Microsoft isn't sharing any details about "the root cause" that happened during scheduled maintenance (maintenance about which Microsoft didn't forewarn its customers).
The new Scheduler allows you to manage and run scheduled maintenance, monitoring, and administration tasks at predefined times or as determined internally by the server.
According to the principle, characteristics and steps of scheduled maintenance for power supply systems, a structural relation of relational database is established.
You might want to relocate applications to avoid downtime resulting from scheduled maintenance or to improve performance by moving an application to a more powerful server.
Perform all regularly scheduled maintenance items. Follow the recommended maintenance schedule and owner maintenance checks found in scheduled maintenance information.
This paper describes the principle and the similation of the system of scheduled maintenance and regular for the equipment, which has been used for years in our country.
The second soft goal specifies exceptions, such as planned failures, denial of service, scheduled maintenance, network outages, and network issues within the control of a service provider.
The second soft goal specifies exceptions, such as planned failures, denial of service, scheduled maintenance, network outages, and network issues within the control of a service provider.