A scheduled process, where publication is configured to occur with a specified frequency.
This process may be part of a scheduled process or it may be executed prior to synchronization.
Deploy your application to a virtual environment and run tests as part of a scheduled process.
Typically, the process of building the application and running the test suite is automated and scheduled as nightly or weekly jobs.
This storage migration is an asynchronous process that is often scheduled to run once a day in the evening hours.
The update index process can either be done manually using the command shown in Listing 5 or automatically scheduled using a background daemon.
Once kernel threads of the process are bound, they'll always be scheduled to run on the selected processor.
TASK_RUNNING: the process is either running on CPU or waiting in a run queue to get scheduled.
Typically, the consolidation process is scheduled to occur daily, weekly, and so on — independently of the access by a consumer of the target data.
I often encounter the scenario where a team to do process definition work is formed, meetings scheduled, milestones identified — with the goal of gaining complete consensus across the organization.
There are two general approaches: either model the automatic deletion within the process or task model, or employ delayed or scheduled instance deletion mechanisms by using administrative actions.
A scheduled build process that runs at regular intervals; for example, whenever the code changes.
Process execution is scheduled by the underlying virtual machine.
Once you have scheduled the upgrade process and selected the level to upgrade to, click OK to begin the upgrade.
The ESA is in the process of designing its own space surveillance sensors, with a procurement phase expected after the next ESA Ministerial Council meeting scheduled in 2012.
The condemnation process is not considered in the18months scheduled for row acquisition.
F TASKINFO (5) : task information scheduled tasks such as scheduled deletion of process instances or wait activities.
WebSphere Process Server provides scripts and an option for scheduled deletion of completed instances.
Using the Performance Warehouse, you can create scheduled reports on the long-term data using the Process function, or you can use queries or rules of thumb to analyze the data.
The 60-year-old Conner was scheduled to be put to death Thursday evening, but the appeals process was still under way.
By participating in the integration process helps the programs to identify clinically relevant issues for successful program integration within the scheduled time.
To meet the requirements for a bionic-arm in a scheduled smooth-dynamic process caused by the change of its required tasks, an online harmonious control algorithm is proposed.
The validity of the process should be verified at scheduled intervals, at least annually, and whenever significant modifications have been made to the equipment.
Normally, when a process makes a system call that cannot be completed immediately, the process blocks and another process is scheduled in order to make full use of the processor.
There are certain operations that are scheduled for this year that will start this process, but I am not allowed to speak of them yet.
The kernel developers put a great deal of effort into reducing kernel latency (the time a process may have to wait to be scheduled) in the 2.5 development series.
It is significative for an EOS to decide whether a process could be scheduled depending on whether it could complete before absolute deadline.
Another build machine could be dedicated to scheduled and ad-hoc builds that require a lot of time to process.
CIM_Job is a logical element representing a unit of work for a system, such as a print job. A job is distinct from a process in that a job can be scheduled.
CIM_Job is a logical element representing a unit of work for a system, such as a print job. A job is distinct from a process in that a job can be scheduled.