Then it was back in the truck for a 150-mile schlep up the coast to Malibu.
You no longer have to schlep to New York to see the most celebrated show on Broadway.
I schlep into the living room and program the TiVo myself.
Or, you can schlep the shows by hand with TakeTV, a pocket-sized memory stick from SanDisk. (SNDK).
If you wake up, lay in bed for a while, schlep to the bathroom slowly get your coffee etc... your day pretty well follows suit.
While my husband was taking all the boxes out of the car. I passed the light three bags to my son and was prepared to schlep one box.
Then you can have your own accompaniment collection and easy to schlep. It can enhance effect when playing or meeting with your friends.
While I dislike the iTunes application, what's worse is having to schlep my iPhone and iPad to the computer, find the right cable, and connect the device in order to perform a sync.
At this sedimentary period, the water in Lake Basin began to recede fleetly, the base level of erosion grew down, the schlep ability of river grew up, and the supply of source was abundant.
At this sedimentary period, the water in Lake Basin began to recede fleetly, the base level of erosion grew down, the schlep ability of river grew up, and the supply of source was abundant.