With a mind prepared by thorough school discipline, the American boy develops rapidly into the skilled workman.
We have come to believe that someone who has more educational merit badges, who is very good at some form of school discipline is "intelligent".
This is a violation of school discipline matter, you have to find their own teachers figure it out!
School discipline in the school to comply with regulations, collective concern, there are strong collective sense of honor.
Ultimately promote the discipline of education, physical education not only to themselves but also closely related and school discipline.
Information resources construction in Changchun Normal University library should be based on the school discipline construction, and serve the teaching and research work.
As a member of a British commission visiting here in 1853 reported, "With a mind prepared by thorough school discipline, the American boy develops rapidly into the skilled workman."
It isn't a school subject or an academic discipline, but it can be learned; It is a quality that is required of artists, but it is also present in the lives of scientists and entrepreneurs.
Discipline techniques vary by education level: 8% of those with a postgraduate degree say they often beat their children, compared with 22% of those with a high school degree or less.
Sending these cheques to people with little financial discipline or will power is just like posting bars of chocolate through a school letterbox.
Classroom discipline is well-respected school and teacher noticed topic, classroom discipline management success or not directly affects the efficiency of classroom teaching.
Harvard boasts 35 faculty members who teach the discipline, the second largest faculty group at the school.
She has also vowed to make the cost of school uniforms tax deductible, saying that they give pupils "a sense of discipline".
It was not a natural fit for the Success charters, which are known for discipline and long school days.
Sunday School and self-discipline.
Boys, meanwhile, might need more oversight and discipline to learn things like controlling their emotions and focusing on school.
Though private and charter schools may still make a point of it (as of discipline, and uniforms), many public-school systems are abandoning cursive altogether.
You and I can never succeed in life without discipline and hard work. Cause it takes work and sweat to succeed in your job and career, in school, in sport, in your marriage and family.
I acquired discipline and a strong work ethic, and learned at an early age the importance of balancing life's competing interests-in my case, school, Homework and a job.
He described the teaching techniques as' mind-numbingly boring 'and said usual standards of discipline at his school were not as loose as the Chinese teachers described.
Only by this could we have a full understanding of the French School, and further promote the construction of the discipline of comparative literature.
Taking an example of Pharmacy School of Zhejiang University, This paper proposes the discipline construction to train the top-quality postgraduates.
When the discipline of communication was established, the structural functionalism, represented by Colombia School, was chosen as the research paradigm instead of that stood for by Chicago School.
Through field work in a village school, the researcher finds that the school's methods of discipline, especially rigid punishment are deeply entrenched.
Although he was quite strict about discipline within the school, he had a keen sense of humor and would delight in telling the children small stories that would make us laugh uproariously.
Although he was quite strict about discipline within the school, he had a keen sense of humor and would delight in telling the children small stories that would make us laugh uproariously.