When you go snorkeling by a school of fish, you will see every single one of those fish swimming along at the same speed.
A school of fish clusters near a reef in French Polynesia's Tuamotu Archipelago.
The "toggling movement" is intended to evoke a school of fish or a flock of birds.
Here we use the Flight node to get a school of fish to follow a locator around a curve.
Although they weren't trying to coordinate their buying and selling, they ended up acting together, just like a school of fish moving as one.
If this sounds a bit strange to you, ask yourself how it is that a flock of birds or a school of fish can change direction simultaneously.
Or how about when you go snorkeling by a school of fish and you see every single one of those fish swimming along at the same speed, they keep the same distance from each other.
As they headed for their spawning grounds, the 20m fish quickly came together in a school the size of Manhattan.
But researchers at the California Institute of Technology say the way fish school will help create more efficient designs for wind farms.
In Jamaica's Long Bay, a snorkeler watches a school of sergeant major fish, named for the colorful stripes that resemble a sergeant insignia.
A school of snorkelers struggles to keep pace with a whale shark—the world’s biggest fish, which can grow more than 60 feet (18 meters) long.
Teachers from the temple school cooked lunch and dinner of rice with three vegetables and fish curry.
Borrowing from Mother Nature, a team of MIT researchers has built a school of swimming robo-fish that slip through the water just as gracefully as the real thing, if not quite as fast.
The ocean’s largest fish, whale sharks grow to lengths rivaling those of a typical school bus (40 feet/12 meters).
The Uncle in the fish-cake stall says he knows the landlord of an apartment that is cheaper and closer to the school.
They (regularly) bring up Sushigate, the 2008 case of New York City high school students who used DNA testing to discover that sushi restaurants and supermarkets were mislabeling their fish.
Scientists from the Indian University School of Medicine made the discovery by chance when studying whether fish oil had any benefit for bipolar disorder.
来自印度医科大学的科学家们在一项研究关于鱼油是否有益于双相情感障碍的试验中,意外发现了omega - 3脂肪酸控制酒精依赖的功效。
I could never quite accept the notion of having to go to school while the fish were biting.
By bringing the thought of swarm intelligence into particle filtering, a novel particle filter based on the artificial fish school algorithm is proposed.
A school of striped grunt fish glides over a coral reef in the British Virgin Islands.
Awash in a sea of blue, a school of unicorn fish—named for the mystical creature whose horn they mimic—swims toward the water's surface in the Seychelles.
意译:水下动物:图片美术馆。 被浪冲打的蓝色的海洋,一个学校的独角兽鱼---指定作神秘的动物谁的角它们模仿的---游泳接近水的表面在非洲塞舌尔群岛。
The first few day in the new school he was a fish out of water, but soon he mixed well with his fellow students.
A lone barracuda insinuates itself into a school of bluetail unicornfish. these fish congregate by the hundreds following current sat the edge of reef drop-offs.
At the pool, lots of students usually sat there watching the fish after school. Now and then, some one throwed a pebble into the water and scared the swarm of fish away to the underneath of the rocks.
At the pool, lots of students usually sat there watching the fish after school. Now and then, a pebble was thrown into the water and scared the swarm of fish away to the underneath of the rocks.
Finally, based on the artificial fish system, the complicated behavior of fish school and its reason is studied.
Based on these behavior rules, the model can reflect the common behavior properties of fish school.
Based on these behavior rules, the model can reflect the common behavior properties of fish school.