The taxonomy of school refusal - from school phobia to truancy - is complicated, and it has changed over time.
Children with school phobia will be terrified of going to school and will be facing prolonged periods at home.
Conclusion: Error cognitive modes and passive defensive behavioral modes are the psychopathological features of school phobia.
Objective:To explore the cognitive modes and behavioral reply modes in order to adopt available psychotherapy to school phobia patients.
前言: 目的:探索和总结学校恐怖症的认知模式和应对模式,以便对学校恐怖症开展更加有效的心理治疗。
The taxonomy of school refusal - from school phobia to truancy - is complicated, and it has changed over time. Experts now tend to break down the behaviors by motivation.
School refusal — any kind of absenteeism, from phobia to truancy, that can be traced to the child's own actions and wishes — is at the very intersection of education, psychology and pediatrics.
School refusal — any kind of absenteeism, from phobia to truancy, that can be traced to the child's own actions and wishes — is at the very intersection of education, psychology and pediatrics.