Concerns about school readiness often cause parents and caregivers to emphasize academic skills during the preschool years.
Another study examines how language skills and school readiness of three-year-olds are positively affected when mothers return to school.
But domestic research on school readiness has just started, it introduced the concept and study of school readiness western Since 2005.
To contribute to school readiness by fostering children's intellectual skills, motivation to learn, and confidence in themselves as learners.
Given the importance of school readiness study and the weakness of domestic study, it is important to summarize foreign school readiness study.
The PN exercise is an important part of the assessment of the readiness of medical school graduates to enter graduate training programs.
What do you believe your son or daughter will contribute to the school community? Have you any concerns about your child's readiness for independent school?
你认为你的儿子或女儿会对学校做出什么贡献?你对你的孩子就读私立学校有任何担心吗? ?
What do you believe your son or daughter will contribute to the school community? Have you any concerns about your child's readiness for independent school?
你认为你的儿子或女儿会对学校做出什么贡献?你对你的孩子就读私立学校有任何担心吗? ?